A review by louiza_read2live
The Tale of Kiều: A Bilingual Edition of Nguyen Du's Truyen Kieu by Nguyễn Du


This book was recommended to me by a Vietnamese friend because she knows I read a lot, and I do read World Literature. I am debating between 3 and 4 stars, but for now I will leave it at 3.
There were some parts that felt drawn out for me, but that can be expected with these types of epic poems; overall, I enjoyed it.

Of course, I cannot say that I could relate with some social issues of the storyline or that I did not find certain norms and customs cringe-worthy. However, which culture at one point or another did not have norms or customs that today we find shocking? I would know because I am Greek. Just read the Iliad and Odyssey, and you will find plenty of values and mores that we do not consider acceptable today.

As I have learned in a Classics course I audited, it is crucial that when we read these texts to read out of the text, not into the text.

Certain parts of the poem are definitely beautiful, and I found fascinating the part where she has to prove her position by how well and how fast she can write poetry on the spot. I also enjoyed a lot that through the poem we learn specific traditions and values of that time and culture. Moreover, it is a very different type of epic than the Iliad and Odyssey in that its focus is a beautiful woman's misfortunes, and not the war between countries.

Furthermore, it is a significant work from historical aspect because it clearly shows the heavy Chinese influence in the Vietnamese culture. It is certainly a classic that albeit the difficulty to relate to it in our modern society, it is worth reading.

The Tale of Kieu (or The Song of Kieu in another variation of the title) is a great addition to any world literature reader and/or library.