A review by geniusscientist
The League of Regrettable Superheroes: Half-Baked Heroes from Comic Book History by Jon Morris


I am not much of a fan of superhero comics, but this book was pretty fascinating. My favorites were the Golden Age heroes. More specifically, my favorites were Fantomah and Stardust the Super-Wizard, both of whom were created by Fletcher Hanks. So I suppose I am a potential Fletcher Hanks fan, though of course I'd never heard of him before this! It's just, the art looks pretty cool and also the two heroes are sort of jerks? Or at least, pretty hardcore about punishing the bad guys. (They also both fly with their arms at their sides, which cracks me right up.)

I only wish there were even more excerpts from the actual comics, as I found them pretty fascinating. But I mean obviously that would make the book way too big.

The author writes the Gone and Forgotten blog, which is basically this sort of thing also -- old/dumb comics -- but the authorial voice in this book is a little different, I think. It took me a while to put my finger on it but I think it's the almost entire lack of "I" statements, and swearing. Which I guess is something you need to do to get an actual book published. It reads as a lot more . . . serious, I guess. Textbooky. But still funny! He gets his dry one-liners in, for sure.

Recommended to comic book fans of all levels of enthusiasm. I hope there's another one eventually.