A review by loveisastateofmind
When Snow Falls by Brenda Novak


There were two major things wrong with this book that stopped my enjoyment of it:

1. The Heroine spends the majority of the book convinced she is in love with another guy.

Now that alone wouldn't be enough to let the story down as very often there is always a jilted party but in this case we not only get Joe (the third wheel's) perspective but we also don't meet the Hero until 70 pages into the book by which time I am actually quite invested in Joe/Cheynelle and would like to see them live happy ever after thank you very much.

Then it gets worse. Having decided that she can't risk her friendship with Eve to continue to date Joe, Cheynelle throws herself at Bad Boy Dylan and ends up losing her virginity to him in, what she considers at the time, a one night stand. Cheynelle, the girl who has spent her whole life trying to be the opposite of her horrid Mum and sister (more of them later) and not give anything to anyone in the small town to gossip about decides to throw it all away at the spur of the moment.

Having done that, she still contemplates a future with Joe whilst sleeping with Dylan and merrily swings between the two even when she has unprotected sex with Dylan and worries that there's a possibility she may be pregnant. Then, all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, she decides she's actually in love with Dylan and worries about convincing her friends that he's


Darn right he's good for her. Dylan really is the lone redeeming thing in this whole book. Lord knows why he lets Cheynelle treats him like she does.

2. Cheynelle's mother and sister.

In some situations maybe having a side plot of Cheynelle finding out the truth about her childhood and where she comes from would really work but all this did was highlight what an awful person her mother is and her sister comes a close second. I won't waste anyone's time by detailing their many crimes but needless to say I thought it was a needless waste of words when the author went on a plot detour from Presley's perspective showing us what happens to her after she left Whiskey Creek.