A review by bookdragon217
Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage


"I know it's disappointing, but sometimes the idea we have of who we want a child to be doesn't fit with who they are." What a powerful quote that sums up this novel perfectly! Suzette struggles to mother and bond with Hanna. Selectively mute, Hanna's rage seethes internally as her hate and jealousy of her mother grows daily. Alex is the doting husband and father caught in between.

Where this author shines is the area of character development. The story is told through Hanna and Suzette's perpectives. As each view unfolds, I couldn't help but be torn between the two. It's not a simple matter of mother daughter conflict. For both it runs deeper and could make the difference between life and death.

The plot was so complex and the pace was spot on to illuminate such deep themes. Was it nature vs. nurture? Can a broken child be fixed? How do you parent when your only example was lacking? Are children's faults causef by parents? Can one simply be born bad? This novel left me feeling like there's more in store for Hanna and Suzette. I could even see this as a movie.

This novel was hard to put down from page one. I only took breaks to contemplate and process some of the strong emotions portrayed. I couldn't imagine being in Suzette's shoes. This book was absolutely thrilling and gave me goosebumps.