A review by onehottamale25
Closer Than You Think by Karen Rose


This book was TOO DAMN LONG and also much too slow at times. I jumped on the Karen Rose train last year and have bounced around with the order of the books due to my library recommending You Belong to Me first. I started with Baltimore then went to Vartanian. Before finishing Vartanian, I went back to the beginning, but I haven't read Dana and Tess' books because my library doesn't have them available in audio format. *Anyways* I typically rate Karen's books between 3-5 because I don't ever *dislike* them, but sometimes certain aspects of the books get on my nerves. This is the first of her books I'd give a 2.5 if it was possible. The book went on and on so much that I found myself wanting to skip parts just to move the story along. Obviously Karen writes lengthy books, but this one has way too much happening and could *easily* be 150 pages shorter. The killer was easily identified (I recognize we all have different experiences with that. Sometimes I'm oblivious when other folks know almost immediately, and sometimes Karen takes out the guesswork and tells us within the first 2 chapters.), a couple of errors were far too glaring (I am well aware we all have to suspend some beliefs for these novels, but I work for CPS. The children Faith tried to protect by working with sex offenders *WOULD NOT* still be in the care of mothers who did not believe they were sexually abused after the offenders were arrested and mandated to participate in treatment!!!!! That's just bullshit!!!!!), and there was *way too much* of a deep dive into ancillary characters (Dani has *her own Cincinnati book*! I did not need to get to know her so well in this one! That whole subplot with her and Greg was completely unnecessary!). Also, Adam was a *TOTAL ASS* who shouldn't have been on the case (another one of those numerous glaring errors), and I'm *not* excited about him being the love interest later in this series.