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Around the World 2025
Hosted by bostonkatebooks
Diversify your reading by choosing at least one book from each part of the world.
13 prompts | 10 participants | 21 books added
2025 - Read from Mexico and Central America
Hosted by tsprengel
The Challenge:With how much people from Mexico and Central American countries have been villainized and dehumanized in the American media landscape, I want to make a point of understanding both the people and the countries they came from in 20...
8 prompts | 1 participant | 7 books added
Reading the Globe Fiction 2025
Hosted by mirenda14
Exciting news! We've planned a year long readalong for you in 2025! Celebrating translated and global fiction, and offering a space where we can all share our thoughts on these thought-provoking reads.Challenge announced by : @PageTurnersWithKa...
12 books | 10 participants
Read an author for each state of Mexico
Hosted by alfredesin
Vamos a leer 32 libros, uno por cada estado mexicano.El autor debe haber nacido o crecido en dicho estado. No pondremos fecha de término, solo disfruta.Éxito.
32 prompts | 6 participants | 18 books added
Reading around the world: Asia
Hosted by whispers
A "mini" challenge focusing only on the Asian part of the "read a book from each country in the world" challenge.
47 prompts | 7 participants | 74 books added