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25 Physical Books in 2025

Hosted by sff_reads

Are you in your decluttering era? Do you find yourself abandoning your physically owned tbr? This challenge may be for you.Throughout 2025, read 25 books from your own shelves—the ones you've bought, forgot about, or swore you'd start “soon.” ...

25 prompts | 15 participants | 19 books added

Read the Books You Own 2025

Hosted by bumblebee

For each month of 2025, read one book you’ve had lying around for a while! 😊

12 books | 7 participants

The 2025 TBR Cleaning Challenge

Hosted by kobooks

A challenge for folks who have too many books on their TBR and want to read them, but always get distracted or forget what they have on hand. 12 books in 12 months to work away at that TBR.

12 books | 4 participants

Reading 35 Physical TBR Books

Hosted by jupiter2932

A challenge to read 35 books off of your physical tbr in 2025. I'm shooting for books that I owned prior to the end of 2024, but I'm not the challenge police :D

35 books | 7 participants

Casual Reader Challenge December 2024

Hosted by roaming_enn

November is ending and December is about to begin. So it’s time for a new set of prompts for the Casual Reader Challenge! As in November, each prompt is broken down into different modes, where the first applies to a wider range of books and the...

3 prompts | 15 participants | 20 books added