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Public Library 2025
Hosted by ameliasbooks
Read at least one physcial or digital or audio book from your public library every month.Record here how many you borrow (and hopefully read) to support these wonderful institutions.
12 prompts | 18 participants | 0 books added
12 Books from 12 Friends 2025
Hosted by ettaviereads
Read 12 books recommended by 12 friends in 2025.
12 books | 3 participants
Read 6 classic books in 2025
Hosted by emilymsimpson
Read 6 books considered to be classic during 2025.
6 books | 6 participants
2025 - 25 Books in 2025 - Always Fully Booked
Hosted by mgreathouse
2025 Always Fully Booked - 25 Books in 2025This challenge is found in the 2025 edition of the Always Fully Booked Planner from Little Inklings Design.Link to the planner: I'm not affiliated with Always Fully Book...
0 prompts | 12 participants | 0 books added
25 Picture Books in 2025
Hosted by ellornaslibrary
This was a fun idea that spawned last year between a friend, Lyn, & I while discussing picture books. It was such a wonderful and rewarding idea that I thought I'd bring it back again this year. There aren't any specific books to read for t...
25 books | 4 participants