Robin Hobb Novel Tracker

39 participants (23 books)


This list includes every novel written by Robin Hobb. Starting with the entire Realm of the Elderlings in order and finishing off with the Soldier Son Trilogy.

You start with Fitz in the Farseer Trilogy. Detour to a multi POV epic kicking off in Bingtown (located south of the Six Duchies) in the Liveship Traders Trilogy. Then circle back to Fitz for the Tawny Man Trilogy. Segue to a new multi POV quest in The Rain Wild Chronicles (a quartet). Then learn the assassin's fate in the Fitz and the Fool Trilogy.

After you complete the Realm of the Elderlings you will undoubtedly be hungry for more Hobb. The Soldier Son Trilogy is a different and stranger story than the Realm but it's still worth the read. I would highly recommend.

As of today Robin Hobb doesn't have plans to write any more novels set in the Realm of the Elderlings. It is considered complete.

There has been about 8 works of short fiction written in the Realm of the Elderlings that have not been included in this tracker. Some were published in magazines and others were included in a short story collection. None of these are required reading to enjoy the Realm so they have not been included. Trust me there's plenty of story here already. 

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