2025 HPOOTP-Flourish & Blotts Reading Challenge - The Wizarding Professions Challenge

487 participants (4,670 books)


Welcome to the 2025 HPOOTP - Flourish & Blotts Reading Challenge!  Whether it's your first time joining us, or if you've been along these last 7 years, we are thrilled to have you here! 

Since we took on our N.E.W.T.s last year, it’s time to find a job!  There are 10 professions with 5 prompts each.  Plus we have a bonus profession that has just 2 prompts.  As usual, YOU get to set you challenge.  So which profession will you choose?!  Do you stick with one career, or will you set your sights higher and achieve them all?!

If you joined us for 2024's NEWTs Reading Challenge, we have a Wild Card (WC) option for you!  If you complete any NEWTs with a passing grade of "O" for Outstanding, you can replace the WC prompt with any book of your choice!  **Please note: you do NOT need to have participated in our NEWTs challenge to join this year.  This is just a fun tie in!

Prompts do NOT have to be completed in order.   While the challenge is to read unique books for each prompt, this is your challenge and you can make the rules fit as you’d like.  Any format of book (audiobook, physical book, ebook, comic, etc) counts–our rule of thumb is if you can mark it as ‘read’ on a book tracking site, it counts. You may notice that some of the prompts are wide open for interpretation.  This is intentional and we encourage you to get creative in fulfilling these prompts!  (And make sure to tell us about them too!)  Again, this is your challenge and you’re free to interpret the rules and prompts as you see fit. 

Don’t forget to join us in the HPOOTP-Flourish and Blotts Facebook group throughout the year for challenge discussions, group reads, readathons, and more!  Here is a link for the Printable version of this challenge.

Challenge Prompts
