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01 Jan 2025—31 Dec 2025
Do you keep buying books without reading all of the books you already have at home? If that sounds like you, join us in the #WeveGotBooksAtHome challenge, started on TikTok by @lissbonetwrites. The challenge is to put yourself on a temporarily book buying ban and read 5 books that you already have at home. Save your coins, get through your physical TBR, and avoid the trap of hyperconsumerism. Log the books you've read to track your progress and share your 5 books with fellow book lovers. Good luck and happy reading!
58 participants (171 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2025ENDS: 31 Dec 2025
Do you keep buying books without reading all of the books you already have at home? If that sounds like you, join us in the #WeveGotBooksAtHome challenge, started on TikTok by @lissbonetwrites. The challenge is to put yourself on a temporarily book buying ban and read 5 books that you already have at home. Save your coins, get through your physical TBR, and avoid the trap of hyperconsumerism. Log the books you've read to track your progress and share your 5 books with fellow book lovers. Good luck and happy reading!