Queer Your Year 2025

103 participants (562 books)

01 Jan 202531 Dec 2025


Queer Your Year is a yearlong challenge celebrating queer lit, hosted by Laura Sackton (@openbookopen). It started in 2023 and has become a yearly tradition!

There are 48 prompts. It's a lot! The idea is to read queerly and widely, not to finish every prompt. However, because I know some people love completing challenges, Queer Your Year 2025 is divided into four smaller seasonal bingo boards.

The seasonal Queer Your Year bingos will run for 3 months each, and include 12 reading prompts and 4 non-reading prompts. Check out the bingo cards (and all the details) here.

Rules & Reminders:
  • All books must be queer! This means whatever you want it to mean. We do not gatekeep what qualifies as queer lit around here.
  • All prompts are open to interpretation!
  • Feel free to use books for more than one prompt.

If you’re on Instagram, post what you’re reading using the #QueerYourYear hashtag, and tag me (@openbookopen), so that I can share your posts.

Ready to queer your year? Let's go!

Challenge Prompts
