Fantasy 101

134 participants (62 books)


Welcome to Fantasy 101!

We'll be travelling to other worlds, diving into complex magic systems and experiencing what, hopefully, makes a great fantasy novel! This challenge is not for the faint of heart.

This is a personal challenge, so it's going to be subjective, and is not a definitive list of 'The Best Fantasy of All Time' or anything. It's kind of a cross between my personal backlist and a start-up guide to fantasy.

For all the people like me who've never read these 'classics' of fantasy - feel free to join!

A note:
I compiled the prompts based off of Merphy Napier and Daniel Greene's YouTube channels, since I follow them on booktube and like the way they review books and what they have to say about fantasy :)

Another note:
Because I want this reading challenge to be do-able, I'm marking only the first books in several series as true prompts, books 2 and 3 and so forth fall into the ~bonus~ category!
Bonus prompts don't have to be attempted for a user to successfully complete a reading challenge.

(Edit: I'm way behind and have made the challenge open-ended because I do still want to complete it. For those who want to do it end of this year, super cool! Good luck. Xx)

Challenge Prompts
