Series Take-Down

liz5895 Host

27 participants (237 books)

01 Jan 202531 Dec 2025


 Challenge by Rainy Blue Reads. Link to challenge video: 
  • This challenge runs for the entire year of 2025, from January 1 to December 31st! The goal of the challenge is to help us series crazy readers finally make some progress and tackle that never ending series journey we are on! Most of the prompts are to help you complete or continue on with series you are in the middle of, but there are also one or two that encourage starting a series you are super excited about. 
  • All genres are welcome! 
  • Try not to repeat books, meaning use a different book for each prompt you are going for!
  • You can aim for a bingo however you want- whether that’s four in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, or you can blackout the entire board (I know that’s my plan). If you finish early, feel free to start all over again! Finish those series!

Want To Make It A Little Bit Harder?
  • No rereads
  • No novellas (Unless you are doing the entire board, then only one novella)
  • Stick to one genre only
  • No swaps- the series you chose initially are the ones you’re stuck with!

Challenge Prompts
