Modern Masculinity: A Compassionate Guidebook to Men's Mental Health by Stephan B. Poulter
Modern Masculinity: A Compassionate Guidebook to Men's Mental Health

Stephan B. Poulter

Modern Masculinity: A Compassionate Guidebook to Men's Mental Health

Stephan B. Poulter

304 pages missing pub info (editions)

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A man seeking a more authentic, compassionate, and balanced approach to masculinity, who is willing to confront and overcome the societal pressures and expectations that have held him back from openly discussing his mental and emotional struggles, will find Modern Masculinity: A Compassionate Guidebook to Men's Mental Health by Stephan B. Poulter to be a supportive and empowering companion on his journey towards healing and self-discovery.


"A looming health crisis faces men who find themselves stuck in today's changing world. Slowly, more and more men are learning the positives that come from talking openly about their struggles with mental and physical health. In this incisive and ...

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