Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change - Stephen Hawking: Daily Motivation Quotes To Do List for Work, School, and Personal Writing - 6x9 120 by Newprint Publishing

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change - Stephen Hawking: Daily Motivation Quotes To Do List for Work, School, and Personal Writing - 6x9 120

Newprint Publishing

122 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction art medium-paced
Powered by AI (Beta)

This book is a perfect fit for individuals seeking a motivational and organized companion to help them stay focused and productive in their daily lives, whether they're students, professionals, or individuals looking to cultivate a sense of purpose and accomplishment.


Get motivated with this motivation quotes to do list.This stylish and elegant to do list is 120 pages and has two columns with multiple writing lines to add each task to. You also get a check-mark box next to each added task so you can mark it off...

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