Clinical Steps and Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics - A Survey by Anish Gupta, D. R. Prithviraj, Sumit Khare

Clinical Steps and Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics - A Survey

Anish Gupta, D. R. Prithviraj, Sumit Khare

68 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction health
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Dentists and dental professionals seeking to elevate their skills and maintain the highest standards of patient care will find Clinical Steps and Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics - A Survey by Anish Gupta, D. R. Prithviraj, and Sumit Khare to be a valuable resource, offering a comprehensive survey of best practices in fixed prosthodontics that will help them refine their techniques and improve their craft.


Making an impression in fixed prosthodontics is especially one of the most challenging procedures in dentistry. Any compromise in relation to material, time or technique on the part of dentist will lead to deteriorated standard of service and even...

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