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Olive All at Once by Mariam Gates, Alison Hawkins is a heartwarming and relatable read for young readers who are learning to navigate the complexities of their emotions and will appreciate Olive's authentic and endearing journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Olive learns that it’s okay to feel different and sometimes opposite emotions all at the same time.In this illustrated picture book, Olive experiences contradictory emotions. The first day of school is exciting but also scary. When she attends a f...
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Format: Not specified
Language: English
Publisher: Not specified
Publication date: Not specified
Olive All at Once by Mariam Gates, Alison Hawkins is a heartwarming and relatable read for young readers who are learning to navigate the complexities of their emotions and will appreciate Olive's authentic and endearing journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Olive learns that it’s okay to feel different and sometimes opposite emotions all at the same time.In this illustrated picture book, Olive experiences contradictory emotions. The first day of school is exciting but also scary. When she attends a f...
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