Hamster For Beginners: Hamster For Beginners: The Ultimate Guild On How To Breed, Feed, Housing, Care And Raise Hamsters As a pets by Dian Fossey

Hamster For Beginners: Hamster For Beginners: The Ultimate Guild On How To Breed, Feed, Housing, Care And Raise Hamsters As a pets

Dian Fossey

42 pages missing pub info (editions)

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This book, Hamster For Beginners: Hamster For Beginners: The Ultimate Guild On How To Breed, Feed, Housing, Care And Raise Hamsters As a pets by Dian Fossey, is a perfect fit for a new pet owner, especially parents or young adults considering bringing a hamster into their family, who want to learn the ins and outs of caring for these adorable and fascinating creatures.


There are several specific breeds and styles of hamster, varying in size and temperament. Typically, hamsters live for up to 2 years, even though some might also stay for longer.Hamsters are frequently a child's first pet. However, their desires a...

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