Was 70 Ce a Watershed in Jewish History?: On Jews and Judaism Before and After the Destruction of the Second Temple by
Was 70 Ce a Watershed in Jewish History?: On Jews and Judaism Before and After the Destruction of the Second Temple

Was 70 Ce a Watershed in Jewish History?: On Jews and Judaism Before and After the Destruction of the Second Temple

Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity

548 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history religion medium-paced
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This book is a fascinating read for anyone interested in Jewish history, religion, and culture, particularly those who want to immerse yourself in the significance of the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE and its lasting impact on the Jewish community, early Christianity, and the evolution of Judaism.


The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 CE, which put an end to sacrificial worship in Israel, is usually assumed to constitute a major caesura in Jewish history. But how important was it? What really changed due to 70? What, in contrast,...

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