Guillaume de Machaut, the Complete Poetry and Music, Volume 1: The Debate Poems: Le Jugement Dou Roy de Behaigne, Le Jugement Dou Roy de Navarre, Le L by

Guillaume de Machaut, the Complete Poetry and Music, Volume 1: The Debate Poems: Le Jugement Dou Roy de Behaigne, Le Jugement Dou Roy de Navarre, Le L

Teams Middle English Texts

416 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics history literary music poetry medium-paced
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This book is a perfect fit for readers who appreciate the intersection of art, history, and literature, as it offers a unique glimpse into the life and works of a medieval master, Guillaume de Machaut, whose innovative poetry and music continue to inspire and influence artists to this day.


Guillaume de Machaut is the most important poet and composer of late medieval France. His unique and inventive output is the subject of this new, integrated edition of Machaut's complete poetry and music. Volume 1, The Debate Series, presents the ...

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