Money. You Got This: Easy to Implement Money Strategies So You Can Take Control of Your Business Finances and Create Your Dream Life by Justin Krane

Money. You Got This: Easy to Implement Money Strategies So You Can Take Control of Your Business Finances and Create Your Dream Life

Justin Krane

248 pages first pub 2016 (editions)

informative slow-paced
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This book is a perfect fit for the overwhelmed entrepreneur or small business owner who is tired of feeling stressed about their finances and is looking for a relatable and humorous guide to help them take control of their business finances and create a more fulfilling life.


When was the last time you cuddled with your money? It's time to get some QT in with your financial life and your business numbers. Out with the financial mumbo jumbo. In with funny stories that will teach you simple money strategies to use for yo...

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