Teaching In Post-14 Education & Training by Shirley Lawes, Dennis Hayes, Jane Evershed, Andy Armitage, Mandy Renwick, Alison Cogger

Teaching In Post-14 Education & Training

Shirley Lawes, Dennis Hayes, Jane Evershed, Andy Armitage, Mandy Renwick, Alison Cogger

368 pages first pub 2016 (editions)

education informative medium-paced
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Teaching In Post-14 Education & Training by Shirley Lawes, Dennis Hayes, Jane Evershed, Andy Armitage, Mandy Renwick, Alison Cogger is a must-read for aspiring educators and trainers in the post-14 sector, offering a comprehensive and practical guide to help them develop the skills and confidence to succeed in the classroom.


This is the definitive textbook on teaching learning and assessment for those training to work in the post-14 sector.Teaching in Post-14 Education & Training provides a skilfully balanced mix of essential theory and practical guidance to suppo...

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