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Maggie Edkins Willis
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Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Publication date: Not specified
Baby Steps by Maggie Edkins Willis is a poignant and relatable read for young readers who are navigating the complexities of family, responsibility, and self-discovery, offering a powerful exploration of the emotional realities of motherhood and the resilience of the human spirit.
Bringing a new baby home seemed exciting and fun, until 14-year-old Erika's mother experiences a traumatic birth, followed by postpartum depression. As her mom recuperates and her stepfather moves away for work, it's up to Erika to care for the ba...
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Maggie Edkins Willis
missing page info
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Publication date: Not specified
Baby Steps by Maggie Edkins Willis is a poignant and relatable read for young readers who are navigating the complexities of family, responsibility, and self-discovery, offering a powerful exploration of the emotional realities of motherhood and the resilience of the human spirit.
Bringing a new baby home seemed exciting and fun, until 14-year-old Erika's mother experiences a traumatic birth, followed by postpartum depression. As her mom recuperates and her stepfather moves away for work, it's up to Erika to care for the ba...
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