Dinosaurs: The Ultimate Guide to How They Lived by Darren Naish, Paul Barrett

Dinosaurs: The Ultimate Guide to How They Lived

Darren Naish, Paul Barrett

192 pages first pub 2016 (editions)

nonfiction science informative slow-paced
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Dinosaurs: The Ultimate Guide to How They Lived by Darren Naish, Paul Barrett is a must-have for anyone fascinated by the wonders of the ancient world, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date exploration of the evolution, biology, and behavior of these captivating creatures that will leave readers in awe of the incredible diversity and complexity of dinosaurs.


Dinosaurs are one of the most spectacular groups of animals that have ever existed. Many were fantastic, bizarre creatures that still capture our imagination: the super-predator Tyrannosaurus, the plate-backed Stegosaurus, and the long-necked, lon...

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