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320 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781909291003
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Hertfordshire Publications
Publication date: 01 June 2013
Hertfordshire: A Landscape History by Tom Williamson, Anne Rowe is a captivating read for anyone who has ever been enchanted by the rolling hills and diverse landscapes of Hertfordshire, and is eager to uncover the rich history and evolution of this captivating county, from medieval times to the present day.
Dividing the county of Hertfordshire into four broad regions--the "champion" countryside in the north, the Chiltern dip slope to the west, the fertile boulder clays of the east, and the unwelcoming London Clay in the south--this volume explains ho...
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320 pages • missing pub info (editions)
ISBN/UID: 9781909291003
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Hertfordshire Publications
Publication date: 01 June 2013
Hertfordshire: A Landscape History by Tom Williamson, Anne Rowe is a captivating read for anyone who has ever been enchanted by the rolling hills and diverse landscapes of Hertfordshire, and is eager to uncover the rich history and evolution of this captivating county, from medieval times to the present day.
Dividing the county of Hertfordshire into four broad regions--the "champion" countryside in the north, the Chiltern dip slope to the west, the fertile boulder clays of the east, and the unwelcoming London Clay in the south--this volume explains ho...
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