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ISBN/UID: 9780308525443
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Funk Wagnalls Publishing Co
Publication date: 01 January 1970
Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the behind-the-scenes stories of a pivotal moment in American history, offering a unique and intimate perspective on the Great Society's transformative era, social justice, and the personal growth of a remarkable First Lady.
Originally published in 1970, A White House Diary is Lady Bird Johnson's intimate, behind-the-scenes account of Lyndon Johnson's presidency from November 22, 1963, to January 20, 1969. Beginning with the tragic assassination of John F. Kennedy, Mr...
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ISBN/UID: 9780308525443
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Funk Wagnalls Publishing Co
Publication date: 01 January 1970
Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the behind-the-scenes stories of a pivotal moment in American history, offering a unique and intimate perspective on the Great Society's transformative era, social justice, and the personal growth of a remarkable First Lady.
Originally published in 1970, A White House Diary is Lady Bird Johnson's intimate, behind-the-scenes account of Lyndon Johnson's presidency from November 22, 1963, to January 20, 1969. Beginning with the tragic assassination of John F. Kennedy, Mr...
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