Coping with Climate Change Vulnerability in the Sundarbans: Lessons from Multidisciplinary Studies by Susmita Dasgupta, MD Istiak Sobhan, David Wheeler
Coping with Climate Change Vulnerability in the Sundarbans: Lessons from Multidisciplinary Studies

Susmita Dasgupta, MD Istiak Sobhan, David Wheeler

Coping with Climate Change Vulnerability in the Sundarbans: Lessons from Multidisciplinary Studies

International Development in Focus

Susmita Dasgupta, MD Istiak Sobhan, David Wheeler

100 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction business nature challenging informative medium-paced
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Climate change poses serious threats to inclusive economic progress and poverty reduction. Strong countermeasures are required to increase the capacity of low-income people to mitigate their risk exposure to the impacts of climate change. Central ...

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