
Four Seasons by Jane Breskin Zalben

katef's review

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Oh how I love a good child prodigy story. And a child PIANO prodigy? Even better. This definitely had me waxing nostalgic for my piano days. Also, being well-written and thoughtful didn't hurt either. My heart was with Ally all the way, particularly during her tough times.
There's a lot of classical music terminology and discussion of different pieces, so this may not appeal so much to folks without that background. HOWEVER, I think it will speak strongly to over-achiever-type teens and young peoples who may pile too much on themselves and then crack a bit under all the weight.
My main complaint: I hate the cover! It looks lurid and sort of V.C. Andrews-ish...doesn't match the insides at all!
Oh, also, I thought Ally's age (about to turn 13 at the beginning of the book) didn't quite match her maturity level, particularly when it came to her thinking about boys. If her age wasn't mentioned, I would have pegged her at 14 or maybe 15. It was a little disconcerting at times.

ivygracewild's review

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Four Seasons starts slow. Then you get immersed and don't want to come up for air. Zalben does an excellent job of keeping us inside the mind of a young pianist, who isn't sure if the total devotion required for her music studies is worth it. The characterization is rich, complex, and deep. This story weaves with a natural flow supported by a writing style that sometimes seems disjointed or awkward, but actually mimics the swirlings of the mind and life in general.

cleah's review

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Ally Katz is a thirteen-year-old piano genius, having played since she was four years old. She attends a private music school and practices up to six hours a day. She eat, breathes, and sleeps music, especially with very important recital coming up that will determine her musical future. As you can imagine, this rigorous schedule does not leave a lot of time for a social life. With criticisms getting stronger and stress levels rising, Ally begins to long for something outside of playing piano. A normal life, with girlie sleepovers and maybe even a boyfriend. However, gathering the courage to tell her parents and herself what she really wants is not going to be easy at all.

Four Seasons was an interesting book. Occasionally there will be some kid on the news that lives a similar life as Ally, but reading about it first hand was an entirely different experience. I thought Ally's voice was very raw, very well-written. The reader gets to know her every ache, her hopes, her confusions. Ally's best friend Opal was absolutely adorable and completely charming. Though all teens go through some sort of encounter where they have to learn to express their feelings to their parents, I am not sure this book will appeal to a broad reading audience. It is very focused on the fierce competitive life of being a great musician, with little else in Ally's life that matters. Those who do pick up the book will be rewarded with cute scenes with boys and a happy ending.

mon_ique's review

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It was O.K and I liked it but..... there wasn't really anything THERE for me. All I got from this book is that I'm so very glad I haven't devoted my life to playing an instrument. This is a story about a girl named Ally and her growing up and deciding what to do with her life. Whether to quit piano or to continue even though she hates it sometimes. Even though it was interesting to look through the window at child prodigies and their devotion to their music, I had to run and grab the book to remember the main character's name. Not a very WOW! book. I wished she had elaborated more on different kinds of music, even if I can't hear it, paint a picture in my mind of jazzy piano pieces and elaborate fingerings, show me the passion they feel when they play. It might have said that they played with such emotion but I felt that it wasn't explained enough to give me an image. Little things that sway my review. Just overall, a little flat. But still, even though I didn't know about most of the modern musical artist, it was about music. 3 stars.

jessalynn_librarian's review

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This is an emotionally engrossing novel that takes us through four seasons of Ally's life, from almost-thirteen to almost-fourteen. She's been taking piano lessons since the age of four, and now all of her free time is taken up with lessons and classes at Julliard. Ally is torn between loving the piano and wanting to be a normal kid and have free time to spend with her friends. She struggles to find the motivation to practice as much as she should (boy, can I relate to that - I was having flashbacks to ballet lessons for much of the book), with the thought of disappointing her musician & singer parents and her stern teacher if she opts out of recitals or even quits.

Each season of the book has its own emotional highs and lows - the intensity of lessons in the spring, combined with a few crushes, the friendships and disappointments at the summer music camp, and the escapism and depression of the fall. Things take an upward turn in the winter, but Ally earns her personal victories and the resolution never feels too easy. The plot manages to move along at a brisk pace, but this isn't a book for readers who are bored by an in-depth exploration of teen emotions. At times it can be slightly over-wraught, but this feels mostly in keeping with the way it feels to be thirteen.

My only complaint is the occasional stilted dialog - characters, especially her parents, saying things that sound more authorial than natural, being clearer with their thoughts and emotionals than real human beings usually are. Another small issue (as another reviewer pointed out) is the incredible number of times Ally's mother cries. I get crying at the drop of a hat, but for a while there, barely a scene goes by without her needing a hankie, and it starts to feel like a quick shorthand for her emotions rather than adding any emotional depth.

Overall, I'd recommend this, especially to young teen girls who are interested in stories about what it feels like to be thirteen. Young musicians might delight in reading about common experiences, but this also has wider appeal to anyone who enjoys reading about how we choose to live life.

Source: my public library

hellscape_princess's review

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I read this book because i went to a book group.
I liked this book, probably because the main character Ally, is a musician, and I am also. I also really liked her because she has a great personality, and I also liked her friends Opal and Brad.
There was some parts where the story was a little boring though, like the second chapter.
But I liked most of the book.
Her father is a violinist and her mother is a singer, and the story starts with her never seeing them in concert, but wanting to.
There are several parts in this book that surprised me.
Okay, so. More book details. *rolls up sleeves*

Thirteen-year-old Ally goes to piano lessons at the Juilliard school, and her teacher, Miss Pringle, is very strict, and makes her practice for four hours a day. Ally has been playing piano since she was four, and she is thinking of quitting but she doesn't want to tell anyone, especially not her parents, especially not her mother.

So... The End.

amdame1's review against another edition

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Allegra Katz is a very talented pianist attending the Julliard School of Music. However, she is not sure that is exactly what she wants to do with her life anymore, but the expectations of her parents weigh so heavily on her that she feels trapped.

Allegra is selfish, short-sighted, and makes some bad decisions. The writing feels a bit preachy and heavy-handed at times.

meisadragon's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted relaxing medium-paced
