
Caught by A.B. Gayle

alex_whitehall's review against another edition

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A fairly delightful story that suffers from a hardcore case of Insta-Love. Otherwise, it’s enjoyable, sweet, and has a warm message at the core.

I enjoyed this tale from beginning to end, but it also made me roll my eyes something fierce. If you believe in love at first sight, then you’ll be fine, but if not...tread carefully. I still think the story is worth reading, but these two men fall hard and fast for each other (and I don’t just mean in the bedroom!).

Daniel and Taylor have a great dynamic, although sometimes Taylor toes the line with his bossy-ness (but never crosses it). They bring out the best in each other and their interactions show an honest connection that can easily lead to love. I just thought the leaps there were a little fast.

Still, the unfolding story, the ex, the motivating introduction--these all built up a pleasant, although oftentimes dark, story that played across my ereader delightfully. The passion of these two men, at their pasts, each other, and jerk exes, were great. However, the problems I had with it (which was rather pivotal to the storyline, or at least was a focus) couldn’t bump it above a 3-star rank, although I couldn’t go any lower for this little gem either.

Be sure to check out my other reviews on my blog.

stang_gt3's review against another edition

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I really do love A.B. Gayle. Despite the insta-love nature of this book I was really happy to finally read Nathaniel and Danny’s story. I really enjoyed both characters when they appeared in Alison’s other books and really wanted to see how they came together. I was not disappointed.

Daniel is Chinese, born in Australia, but he grew up in the US. After spending a number of years as a stunt man in Hollywood fighting in place of a number of actresses he’s returned to Australia. His parents never approved of his being gay they would have really freaked out over his female impersonations on screen. Now he’s enjoying his time as a photographer and helping his elderly landlord with her mission. Living right along the edge of the cliffs where many suicides choose to jump has the two conspiring to do what they can to help.

Nathaniel Taylor was an extremely successful photographer before tragedy touched his life. Blaming himself Taylor’s retreated from a lot of the things he used to do. He often finds himself sitting on the cliff face, remembering. Taylor hasn’t picked up his camera in a long time. When a random, but beautiful Chinese tourist asks him to help him take a picture at the lighthouse to send to his mother Taylor finds himself drawn in whether he wants to be or not.

I’m going to completely forget about the insta-love here and pretend in my own little head that this story takes place over longer than a day. Mostly because Taylor and Daniel are so perfect for each other and they learn a lot about each other in such a short time. I loved how Daniel initiated the contact but Taylor quickly took over as the more dominant of the pair. Daniel was still attempting to hide the Dannii side of his personality almost it. But Taylor’s reaction to the emergence of that side of Daniel’s personality let him feel safe and wanted for the all of himself for the first time. His ex and his parents had always denied parts of Daniel. Taylor wanted it all.

I actually really enjoyed the premise of this story. I liked what Daniel and his landlady were attempting to do. The idea that sometimes all a person needs is to be shown that somebody cares is a good one. It leaves me with a feeling of hope for humanity. The subterfuge they used was cute and amusing. I enjoyed the fact that she had advertised to find someone who would fit the guidelines she wanted to be able to help those in need. It’s just such a sweet plan for a little old lady to enact.

I absolutely adore the writing style of Ms. Gayle. She writes with such smooth prose and the story flows along beautifully. In spite of the insta-love of the characters I really felt the connection between these two men. They have mutual interests that gave them a place from which to begin their relationship and I loved the use of the photography to bring them closer together. Together they were very sexy and the sparks few between them.

In the future I hope to see more of these two together. I just find them so wonderful and I didn’t want it to end. I loved watching both men start to open up, Taylor starting to live again and Daniel coming out of his shell. They’re just so good for each other. And that photo shoot in Taylor’s study was just beautifully heart wrenching. I just want to cuddle them both. Danny freak out on Graham was fantastic and wonderful and giggle worthy. LOVE IT!!!

It really is official, Ms. Gayle is one of my favorite authors and I will continue to devour each book she puts out. 4.5 stars I'm going to round up to 5 stars, because I can.

j_bookaholic's review against another edition

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For a short story this had a lot of depth. The synopsis says it all.

teresab78's review against another edition

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I wanted to like it more than I did as it was a 5 star book picked from a friend, but I just never connected with the characters or the story. I found the declarations of love came too fast and the emotions, though portrayed as being deep, never felt that way. Depression and suicide is something that affects me greatly but I never felt in danger of over empathizing. I also didn't get the cross dressing at all. It felt like a charade rather than an extension of the character's personality. It was well written as far as pacing and flow; I just had a problem with content.

nicola949's review against another edition

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This story was a pleasure to read. Lots of emotion and heartache and ultimately a sense of hopefulness. There are also touches of humour and quirkiness.

I enjoyed the development of the characters over a very brief period as they open up to each other. It provides an interesting view of stereotypes and outward appearances, and looking beneath the surface. The detail provided by the photography and glimpses of emotion caught on camera, added another layer to the story.

This novella deals with suicide, both prevention and ramifications,
"Sometimes you don't have to jump off a cliff to die. You can die inside little by little and still appear to be alive on the outside." but also gives hope for a brighter future. "...and out of the blue, you came along, sharing my interests, making me laugh. You made me think life might be worth living again."

shazov's review against another edition

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This book is set in my hometown of Sydney Australia. Having been to the spot where it's set, the whole story takes on an extra layer of poignancy. Also knowing that only last year Sydney's "Gap Angel" passed away after having talked many a person down from the ledge (so to speak) adds even more.

A.B. Gayle manages to pour so much emotion into such a short story. There are heartbreaking lows, breathtaking highs and laugh-out-loud moments of pure happiness. Add to that the fact that it takes place in less than 24 hours makes it even more impressive. And it leaves me feeling confident that these guys will get the happy ever after that they so truly deserve!

elianara's review against another edition

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Fun and sassy characters ease up a difficult topic.

A well-written book about a heavy topic, suicide and depression.

Danny helps his neighbor Connie, for some cheaper rent. Her window overlooks a popular cliff, and together they have saved a few people from suicide.

But today's person on the cliff seems a bit different when Danny gets to talk to him. And here starts a wonderful story about love, death and grief.

kaje_harper's review against another edition

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An excellent little story about a young man who goes out to try to be a Good Samaritan and lure away a possible suicide jumper, and finds himself falling for the man. Daniel is a wonderful character and Taylor, the man he tries to save from himself, has interesting depths and quirks. The sudden attraction between them, moving from pure sex to something more over a night of shared interests and emotions, is very well done. Another nice complete story that I wish had been much longer, just because the characters and chemistry were so good I didn't want it to end.

mousegoddess's review against another edition

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there's whirlwind romance and then there's "...well THAT escalated quickly" romance. guess which this one was? enjoyed it in spite of that and would recommend.

fantasyliving's review against another edition

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This was a quick interesting read.

I liked the flow and appreciated the consistency.
I wasn't too fussed about the scene with Dannii and Taylor's ex. It was a bit contrived for me to stomach.

Other than that, I enjoyed this story. It was serious but it had some great light moments.

Trigger warnings: discussions of suicide and grief.