
Lobsters by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison

nipomuki's review against another edition

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I am trying out a different audio book service and this was a risk free part of it. I laughed and laughed, and also really felt for the two protagonists. This seemed an extremely funny book to me, it made me guffaw again and again. Apparently this is exactly my kind of humor: very British and a little immature ;-)

I often find books that are recommended as laugh out loud funny only mildly so, and maybe this is a cultural thing? Not that I am British, but it IS closer to home than the States, for example. Humor is a matter of taste, and I have seen that other reviews for this seem less enthusiastic than mine. It does not matter, this is very clearly a four star book for me.

I also want to add that I like the honest look at expectations concerning relationships and sex, and how they contrast with reality. The two main characters sometimes seemed younger than 18 to me, but it was a long time ago that I was the same age, so I am not a good judge of that.

The dual narration was a huge part of the charm for me.

annika16's review against another edition

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Both of the main characters were annoying, Sam was really possessive and Hannah was really whiny . Stella was irritating, but It was also annoying how jealous hannah was of her . And I don’t understand why she lied to her at the end about pax . Also all of it was basically just about virginity . But it was really funny at times.

livethebooklife's review against another edition

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Lobsters is een hilarisch verhaal over Hannah en Sam die beide niet als maagd naar de universiteit willen gaan. Door dat gegeven en de rest van de flaptekst dacht ik oprecht dat het echt een boek vol seks, liefde et cetera was. Gelukkig viel dat best mee, er kwamen ook andere dingen in voor, en de verhaallijnen vond ik heel erg leuk. Soms gebeurden er dingen waarvan ik dacht: 'oh nee wat erg gebeurt dit echt?', zo ongemakkelijk wow, maar dat maakte het juist ook heel grappig. Het einde was wel teleurstellend, vandaar de vier sterren.

Lobsters is het perfecte boek voor jou als je van een enorm grappig, en ongemakkelijk liefdesverhaal houdt!

anneliekeh's review against another edition

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4,5 stars

kba76's review against another edition

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Socially awkward is a fitting phrase for this...I couldn't believe some of the stuff that was happening to Sam and Hannah and their friends.
Our groups of almost eighteen year olds are on the cusp of adulthood, and we watch them in their summer before heading off to university. We get the inevitable post-exam analysis; the drunken fumbles; the changing issues around friendships; a growing sense of needing to become independent and the highlights of summer-holiday and festival.
Throughout this I was laughing out loud at so many moments. I was also groaning, cringing and torn between being thankful I am long past that age and desperately wanting to return to that time, where anything seems possible.
I liked the two characters and their somewhat disastrous attempts to get into any kind of romantic situation. What really made this was the splitting between male and female viewpoints.
Can't wait for Freshers now...

leesendroom's review against another edition

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Lobsters, een extreem awkward liefdesverhaal. De titel van het boek zegt het goed: extreem awkward. De enige twee woorden waarmee dit boek te beschrijven valt.
Check mijn volledige recensie op!

amycasperson's review against another edition

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I would just like to point out for those of you reading this book that they do make Harry Potter references in this book. If you have not read those books and intend to read those books, do not read this book unless you are ok with spoilers.

That being said I was hoping to enjoy this awkward love story. It was just ok. Totally was awkward and maybe a little more so than I cared for. I enjoyed the references of them trying to find their lobsters as that is something I’ve always referenced as well in looking for my life partner. The good news is the characters seem like real people with real problems. It has relatable qualities.

kgimm29's review against another edition

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Stupid. The whole book was literally about kids trying to lose their virginity. Nothing more.

michhellongrace's review against another edition

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This book was really enjoyable and I would liken it to the tv show skins but with less vulgarity. Definitely a cute contemporary.

noraleest's review against another edition

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okay dit boek was echt top en hilarisch! ik heb een paar keer hardop gelachen om gênante situaties, mijn moeder vroeg zelfs of alles goed ging omdat ik zo hysterisch aan het lachen was. Hopelijk verloopt mijn leven ook zo'n beetje zoals dit boek, het is op dit moment echt een puinhoop maar ja, ya gotta have faith right.