
Infernale - Rhapsodie in Schwarz by Sophie Jordan

adelle_bookworm's review against another edition

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A já tak doufala, že ji zabijou.
Ještě klišoidnější konec než v jedničce. Caden byl neuvěřitelný. A Davy bych už po prvních pár stranách vyhodila z okna. (Hm, možná jsem taky HTS pozitivní.) Beru to jako průměr.

sofyy1102's review against another edition

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Sophie Jordan, we are never ever ever, getting back together.

For those readers out there who are expecting more Sean, forget it. Apparently Sophie Jordan thought it was a better idea to introduce a new male character/romantic interest. Sean is immediately out of the picture once Canden shows up.

So if you hate insta-love, well too bad, cause you are so gonna have it on this book.

jeslyncat's review against another edition

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In a word? Awful.

I almost didn't buy this book because I was disgusted by the author's holier than thou comments at the end of first book, but when I knew there was a sequel I was hoping for some answers and a resolution for Davy. Instead, I got a complete and utter disappointment. This book shouldn't have existed. Uninvited should have existed as a stand alone. I do not recommend reading this. Especially if you had any enjoyment in the first book.

Also, there is no such thing as a "United States chief of staff"--there is a Chief of Staff in most official offices, for example the President of the United States has a Chief of Staff, but so does the Vice President, First Lady, and all the members of Congress. There are also the Joint Chiefs of Staff--those that lead as a panel over all branches of the military. but there is no "United States chief of staff" and the fact that no one at Harper Collins, in the author's beta readers, or the author herself was able to fix this mistake that is mentioned multiple times was beyond annoying.

juliajoanneblack's review against another edition

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Actual rating 3.5 stars.

katpop's review against another edition

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Loved the first book more, but this book was still good.

sk24's review against another edition

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This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

One of the things that bugs me most about Young Adult books lately is the main character’s logic. It seems like all too often a YA novel’s protagonist will have a complete freak-out over something illogical. I guess that’s how teenagers are, though? It drives me crazy to read anyway. Davy has a moment like this in Unleashed. It was difficult for me to read through because I just couldn’t get behind her thought processes or decisions.

Honestly, Davy’s character bothered me a lot throughout this book, not just during her big teenage freak-out moment. It was one of those books where the main character is going through a rough time figuring out who she is and who she wants to be. But instead of sitting down and dealing with it, she just goes through the whole book pushing everyone away and going back and forth between hating herself and not hating herself as much and confusing everyone with her words and actions and it was just frustrating! She just couldn’t deal with the hand she’d been dealt and it affected this whole book.

Having ranted about Davy’s annoying and frustrating qualities, I was still able to get into and enjoy her story. I still enjoyed the book quite a bit. I felt that the ending was a bit abrupt, but hey, at least Davy finally made a decision at the end and matured, even if it didn’t happen until the VERY end.

I still love the unique concept of the story line and thought it was delivered well. I was captivated throughout. There was also a pretty unexpected twist near the end – at least I didn’t expect it! I would like to read more from this author (I just hope her other main characters aren’t as frustrating as Davy!).

kerrygibbons's review against another edition

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I would have given this a better review but for the ending... The book was moving along at a fairly reasonable clip, setting itself up for a third book... And then everything is fixed rather suddenly hooray happy ending, oh and look, we are going to tie up that loose end and - oh, did we forget a character? Let's throw him into the epilogue.

And if not for the other portions of this book, I would have give it a one-star rating. The end was that bad.

vickyyyy's review against another edition

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I'm sorry I have to abandon this one because I really liked Uninvited... but I read so many disappointing things about this one, that I don't feel like reading it at all.
Spoiler I am really sorry, that Sean isn't that much in the book and that Davy ends up with a new guy, introduced in this second installment. WTH was that for?

julia_111's review against another edition

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Es tut mir so weh zu sagen, dass dieses Buch einer der schlechtesten Bücher ist, die ich je gelesen habe. Es war echt nicht gut. Am Anfang war es noch ganz in Ordnung, doch irgendwann kam der Moment, wo ich mich gefragt habe: Wann passiert mal was?

Ich hatte echt das Gefühl, dass in dem Buch nichts passiert! Irgendwie blieb alles gleich und es war auch überhaupt nicht spannend. Außerdem hatte ich noch total viele Fragen und vieles blieb am Ende für mich einfach ungeklärt.
Was ich auch nicht gut fand war, dass das Ende zu schnell kam und ich das Ende auch nicht wirklich verstehen konnte, bzw. konnte ich Davys Entscheidungen allgemein überhaupt nicht verstehen.

Ich bin wirklich sehr enttäuscht und verstehe nicht, wieso der erste Band so gut war und der zweite Band mega schlecht war. Ich denke auch nicht, dass ich weitere Bücher von Sophie Jordan lesen werde

lisamparkin's review against another edition

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I was afraid this would happen. The first book was so exciting and filled with new ideas. This book centered on a romance that was INSANELY back and forth, while the world building took a back seat. Like all the way back. What a bummer.