
Seeing Stars by J. Sterling

beamasalunga's review against another edition

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The timing is perfect when I read this book. It's a quick and sweet read. I enjoyed it a lot

janiegirl1975's review against another edition

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Cute, but not amazing.

inkdrinkerpdx's review against another edition

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Wasn't expecting this book to be so short but I still liked it. Short and sweet sums it up for me. Excited to read more in this series

lixard's review against another edition

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Lol. This was very much I love to hate it kinda book. It was pretty cringe-worthy and the romance was rushed. Even with the flashbacks, I felt it was way too unrealistic and they just fell into a relationship so easily.

jbenando's review against another edition

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Perfect quick short story. A nice break from all the drama I've been reading. I don't understand how some people couldn't like this. It was perfect!! I loved the sweet romance in it. Not every book has to be filled with angst and tons of overwhelming emotions. We need a bit of sweet romance every now and then. I can can't wait to read Paige's story next!!

samwlabb's review against another edition

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Rating: 3.5 Stars

I suspected the twist, but still loved it so much! These two were great together, but it was Walker I could not resist. I love a guy, who wears his heart on his sleeve.

nonieschmonie's review against another edition

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As my star rating suggests, it was just okay. A bit anti-climactic because I expected more. I like Madison a lot though. But that's pretty much it.

vosteguin09's review against another edition

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This book is so heart warming. After the gut wrenching book the was The Perfect Game, i didn'tt know what to expect, and honestly I was a little scared because J. Sterling can deliver a amazing book that is ultimately torturous. But hey NO WORRIES. If you happen to be scared of J. Sterling, this book is like a warm milk to help you rest easy.
When I saw how long or rather how short the book was, I was a little worried that the pacing would be too fast and that there was only going to be one main element in this book, like most of the major NA books: sex. Man did this book drown my expectations., and I'm glad for it. This book is set within a couple of days, but you FEEL those days pass and you still understand the characters like you would with a 400 paged book. The pacing and and the subject of the story was so enduring and endearing. Read this book that's all I'm going to say.
The characters are so lovable right off the bat. Walker is the average rock star that is on every tabloid imaginable, and in the beginning you begin to have a sense of douchbagness around this guy, which makes you want to stop reading... STOP RIGHT THERE. If you feel that way please continue on because you WILL end up doing an about turn and end up loving the guy to smithereens. Now, Madison's foundation in this story is revealed to us in the first chapter. Reading this book was sort of like puzzle, one clue led to the whole thing. Yea, the main plot was obvious but the way J. Sterling sets everything up, she has you anticipating for the revelation, so you continue on.
This book is so enjoyable, funny, romantic, and, like I said before, heart warming. So if you're looking for those qualities in a book, grab this one.