exarkun1979's review

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J'ai enfin lu le nouveau Tom Clancy. Depuis le temps que j'attendais ce livre. Je n'ai vraiment pas été déçu. C'est drôle que moi qui est de gauche, j'aime beaucoup les livres de cet auteur de droite. IL y a tout dans ce livre pour me faire détester cet auteur : exécution sommaires, pro-militarisme, impérialiste américain, etc. Malgré tout,quand je comment du Tom Clancy, je suis incapable de décrocher.

Dans ce livre, le campus, un organisation créée par un ancien président du monde de Tom Clancy, est à la recherche de l'Émir. Celui-ci projette de faire une série d'acte terroriste sur le sol Américain. Une course contre la montre se fait pour trouver le lieu de ces actes avant leur exécution. C'est donc du pur Tom Clancy finement développé et qui nous garde en haleine tout le long du récit.

nealopp's review

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Almost couldn't put this one down. It's a nice page-turner, and full of action, espionage, and political intrigue. Typical Clancy. Only three stars because I'm rating it against Clancy's other works. Any other author would have gotten a 4 but, hey, I'm fickle.

rhinelanderwaldo's review

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Dante, if he were alive today and working in the publishing business, would add a circle of hell for bestselling writers who exploit their readership with franchise treatment of their original works. Dead or Alive is a reader's purgatory of poorly reconstituted rehashing of Clancy themes first written 20 years ago, and not a single new idea, nothing but a desolation tinged with regurgitations from an aging ex-insurance salesman who, earlier, genuinely did write some compelling and relevant material, but is now caught in his past, unmoving and inflexible. Clancy should be condemned for treating his readership with such disdain.

tompro75's review

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Nice read after long absence. Not as good as his earlier works. Not sure Junior can fill Jack, Sr.'s shoes.

drbeat1's review against another edition

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Read and listened to this one on the Kindle. Great book for the Clancy fan. A little slower than before but the story line was good and lots of action. Don't want to spoil anything about this one but I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.

p010ne's review against another edition

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There are MANY threads to follow in this novel because of the various escapades that are underway, but it is an intriguing and breathtaking read! I found the simulated heart attack interrogation technique described is very disturbing but apparently effective!

cinnamonvortex's review

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Dead or Alive is another pretty good non-Clancy Ryan-verse book that I assume was written 99% by Grant Blackwood. My guess is that Clancy made the outline and Blackwood wrote the book. If I had to choose a specific spot that Clancy stopped writing his own books, I would think it was sometime during the process of W̶a̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶P̶e̶a̶c̶e̶
"Executive Orders" when he got bogged down in the process. That was around the time the books stopped feeling like Clancy, though there's enough in that a̶n̶c̶h̶o̶r̶ title to convince me that Clancy wrote most of it and enlisted a ghost writer to fill in the gaps.

So Dead or Alive is feels like all the newer titles from that point on. They don't have that classic addictive Clancy feel, but they're still pretty good reads.

My favorite character was always John Clark and I'll keep reading as long as he's around, but the passage of the torch to JR Jr. and Ding the crew of Campus has been handled pretty well. Pretty well, but not expertly. I still don't think they can carry a series on their own without something else. Someone has to replaced John Clark, and that is a tough order. As far as Jack Ryan jr., he is already equally as interesting to me as Jack Ryan senior. He just needs more interesting Adventures. Perhaps they've already been written and I have not read them. I have read one book by Greaney and one by Blackwood. I actually kind of preferred the Blackwood book even though Greaney has written far more in the series.

Having said all of that, Dead or Alive is a serviceable modern action political story. The best chapters are the ones involving individual actions on the ground. The overall political thing never really grabbed me. Jack Ryan preparing to retake the Oval Office. I really don't care. What I want are the missions. And there are plenty of good ones in this book.

Good enough to get me to read further into the series.

zedix's review

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I have fond memories of reading Tom Clancy books when I was younger, so I was eager to jump into a new Chavez/Clark/Ryan book. I was pretty disappointed, to put it bluntly. The book has too many plot holes, the characters all perform superhuman feats which don't help with the suspension of disbelief, and there's an uncomfortable undertone of post-911 American patriotism which doesn't really appeal to me. I'd recommend passing on this one.

ccdova's review

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It started out slow, but picked up toward the end. It also left a lot of unresolved story lines, which hopefully means there's another Jack Ryan book coming soon. If we have to wait a few years for it, that will be pretty annoying.

jenergizer's review

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I accidentally re-read this one (I'd read it in 2013, but forgot to check GR)! Still good! lol