
A Christmas Bestiary by John Kenn Mortensen, Benni Bødker

davidmunch's review against another edition

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Julebestiariet skrevet af Benni Bødker & illustreret af John Kenn Mortensen er en samling af 24 skabninger man kan møde i julemåneden. Der er beskrivelse af hvert væsen, samt nydelige illustrationer, og guides til hvilke lande de kan mødes og hvor farlige de er.

Illustrationerne er klart hovedattraktionen i bogen, og dem man vil komme tilbage for. De er yderst nydelige lavet, og uhyggelige at se på, og alle i sort/hvid. Jeg så dog gerne der var mere variation. De er alle relativt simple, og selvom det fungerer godt, så synes jeg er når man er halvvejs i bogen, så har man set dem alle. Var der større variation i baggrundene, havde det hjulpet betydeligt. Da mange af dem er menneskelignende, fremstår mange bare som en variation af 'grimme og skumle mænd'.

Beskrivelserne til hver enkelt væsen er godt skrevet, om end oftest ret overfladiske og korte, og ligner ofte hinanden meget. Jeg synes ofte heller ikke der var nogen klar sammenhæng mellem antallet af kogler (ie. hvor farlig et væsen var), og beskrivelsen af væsnet, da de enten bare var 'meget farlige og hold dig væk' eller 'sådan er det bare', uden nogen klar indikation hvorfor. Da bogen har utroligt megen tom plads, så kunne man snildt have udnyttet dette, og givet dybere introduktioner til hver enkelte væsen og gjort hver enkelt meget mere unikt end det er som nu. Dette havde også gjort at der havde været mere kød på bogen.

Selve bogen jeg læste var i hardcover, og i rigtig lækker kvalitet, med dejligt tyk papir og godt print. Bogen er en som virkelig er værd at læse bare én gang, men forvent ikke at det er en man kommer tilbage til når man allerede har læst den én gang. Men da der er så meget spildplads, så kan den hurtigt læses på under en time, selv hvis du læser langsomt.

sleepybones's review against another edition

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dark funny fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? N/A
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


vylotte's review against another edition

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As the book so succinctly says, just stay out of Iceland in December.

ina_hkh's review against another edition

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dark informative mysterious fast-paced


This book explains one Christmas creature for each day of advent: where they roam, what to look out for, and how to stay safe. Every creature is illustrated in greytones by John Kenn Mortensen, who specializes in monsters and horror.

I read this as an advent calender and really enjoyed it. I'm a fan of the illustrator from before, and I love reading about folklore - especially creepy and scary tales. I wish the tone had been a little less silly and a bit more in depth, and I feel like some of the illustrations were a bit rushed. The layout and design is immaculate though. Will probably read this again in future Christmases.

mathildelevin's review against another edition

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dark funny mysterious fast-paced


novelerachavela's review against another edition

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dark informative medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? N/A
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


caramiaculpa's review

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dark funny informative fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? N/A
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


Love the art style!

princessdana36's review against another edition

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adventurous dark funny informative fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? N/A
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


This book was a wonderful compilation of the all the things that go bump and jingle in the Christmas night. However some of the old English typefaces were very hard to read. 

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hotskeletonwinter's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? N/A
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


I adore books like this.  The font used for the title makes me wonder if the authors like Black Metal (I hope so)!  This is a short collection of the older, darker figures of winter time.  Many of them predate Christianity by thousands of years.  The lore is fascinating, but if you want something more in depth, you’ll have to look further than this book.  

I was familiar with most of these figures, but not all; one of my favorite illustrations was: the Polish Gwiozdor, aka Gwizdz, Star Man.  Here he is shown walking hand in hand with Gwiazdka, Little Star.  I was unaware of these two and would certainly love to learn more; I found the illustration eerie but beautiful.  

The spirits of winter solstice time are very similar to those of Samhain, or what most people know of as Halloween.  What’s better than a Halloweenish-Xmas?  A fun book for those who want more than the nativity.  If you have more of a pagan heart like I do, you might enjoy this book.  Recommend not stopping here but reading further to learn more about these ancient darker spirits.

tiedyedude's review against another edition

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 This was unfortunately disappointing. Advertised as a handbook of international winter folklore, it was neither entertaining nor informative. A lot of the entries were very similar, which is a result of cultures borrowing from each other, but the blurbs were too short to provide much information about the differences. The same can be said for the illustrations, which felt too similar to be interesting.