
Powerful Purples by Nikki Minty

jaxamaline's review

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Powerful Purples (Zadok Series Book 3) Nikki Minty
4 stars

Thanks to @NetGalley, Nikki Minty (@Niksatmint) and publishers BooksGoSocial for the ARC ebook.

Okay – so I’m late to the party! I had to go buy the first two books from Amazon so I could read this book and know what was going on.

Very glad I did buy them though, otherwise I’d have been at a complete loss as to what was going on.

Again this book picks up from the end of the last. We flit between the characters points of view in the third person narrative.

I have really enjoyed this series so far, the authors ability to build this fantastic world and new characters is simply breath-taking.

This was a wonderful third instalment I really hope that Nikki (the author) delves further into this fantastic world for another book… or six!

This world has so much potential. I’m engrossed, obsessed and committed.

A few things that were quite resolved that I *hope* means that we’ll be getting further instalments in this series:

The “Magic Rock” and what becomes of it? I felt this was built up to have significance that wasn’t just a tie between two best friends.

I would LOVE to see more regarding the Rukes of Autumn I feel we barely touched on them during these three first books.

hauntedshelves's review

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Was able to grab this from NetGalley, after finishing my current book I will read the third book of the Zadok series!