
Eight Bears: Mythic Past and Imperiled Future by Gloria Dickie

mward547's review against another edition

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This is a really good starting point to learn more about the types of bears left and where they stand as their habitats shrink. What causes bear/human interactions, what efforts are being made to reduce the harm humans are causing?

I didn’t know much about bears that don’t live in North America, so I’m glad to be starting my Bear Girl journey here. My main criticism is that each section was so short, but their are recommended reads to keep learning given.

soapyyells's review against another edition

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What a lovely, short and sweet biography of bears. Learning what bile farming is utterly turned my stomach. The polar bear chapter was of course my favorite.

"Ever since Homo erectus ... people have dictated the bear's fate in this world. We have written their stories and shared their mythologies. We have both waged war against nature and worshiped its kings."

mburket's review against another edition

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While this book certainly discussed broader topics of habitat conservation and climate change, the main focus was bears. And honestly, bears rock, so I’m glad there’s a whole book about them.

lydkerr's review against another edition

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I could not put this book down and I’m kind of obsessed with bears now. It read like a story more than science and I loved following the author’s journey. I’m cracking myself up with this review because it’s literally just a non-fiction book about an animal but it was seriously so good. 4.5⭐️

kmedema's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. Really well done, but made me sad for bears.

breadandmushrooms's review against another edition

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informative reflective slow-paced


gsuhadolnik's review against another edition

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informative sad medium-paced


amdriver12's review against another edition

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informative reflective


greywolfheir's review against another edition

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hopeful informative reflective sad fast-paced


sophieupark's review against another edition

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adventurous informative medium-paced
