
Doctor Who: Summer Falls by James Goss

tylertylertyler's review against another edition

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This was essentially Doctor Who meets [b:Coraline|17061|Coraline|Neil Gaiman||2834844]. This is a surprisingly delightful combination.

sahiba_susannah's review against another edition

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This book written from the point of view of one of the Doctor's favourite companions, Amelia Pond, makes its debut in the episode titled- The Name of the Doctor.
The story was sweet, whacky and made you laugh at the most unexpected moments. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

spanishviolet's review against another edition

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Better-than-expected story, incorporating classic tropes from children's literature (mysterious objects, moving to a new town just before school starts) with a very practical-minded heroine who thinks her way through her unexpected adventure. It felt like something Amy Pond might write, and I enjoyed the subtle way the Doctor was worked into the story.

ninakinsmn's review against another edition

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A charming little fairy tale. I loved the cat. The curator was cool, too. Couldn't help reading that character with Tom Baker's voice for some reason.

lisakfalafel's review against another edition

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Quick read and a nice distraction. Fun for the Whovian inside.

aikalog's review against another edition

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I love Kate's POV, and the way it was written, and the tons of Doctor Who reference. I wish it was longer, though.I would like to know more about the characters, and I want a far bigger adventure for them :)

This book is for Doctor Who fans.

PS. Come along, Pond!

bookworm42's review against another edition

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Lovely little read about a little girl and her Doctor... or rather Curator.

karac3's review against another edition

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hope there are more to come!

thenstinasays's review against another edition

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First things first. In spectacular cross-media fashion, this is a real book that exists outside of the minds of the crack team of writers living in a cave somewhere in Cardiff. I read the e-book, but apparently it’s also available in paperback starting in October.

Second thing. Let’s all remember in “The Bells of Saint John” when Clara tells Artie that, referring to a chapter of his book (or something more!), “eleven is the best,” and that he’ll “cry [his] eyes out.”

In “Summer Falls,” chapter 11, [SPOILERS!] an important character meets an untimely end, and it is pretty darn sad. I mean, not TFiOS-level sad, but there was a prickling behind my eyelids, I’ll admit.

This is a cute little short story, with plenty of fun nuggets tossed in for fans of the series. ”Amy” writes with a very clear style showing the voice of that feisty Scot that we all miss, and her main character, “The Curator” known as “Barnabus” is very clearly her Raggedy Man, though it’s never said specifically. Barnabus speaks in Eleven’s voice, and the TARDIS is alluded to, though not seen.

Overall, a sweet little story, filled with nougaty treats for Whovians, and totally worth my $2.52.