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Armada: The Spanish Enterprise and England's Deliverance in 1588 by Colin Martin, Geoffrey Parker
jkennedy9472's review
Martin and Parker chronicle a little-known attempt by Spain's Phillip II to invade England. In theory, with all the details that Martin and Parker offer, the Spanish fleet has everything stacked in their favor, money and ships-wise. However, the proof is in the pudding. Innovation in English naval warfare far outstripped anything the Spanish fleet could handle. While the English stymied the Spanish fleet, mother nature also unleashed its fury upon them and pushed their inept fleet all over the North Sea. Communication, or lack thereof, factored in as well; it was slow and unreliable. The Spanish fleet would sit around waiting for new orders or for a meetup (the infamous Gravelines) that had changed but was never successfully conveyed. At the end of the day, this marked the beginning of Spanish decline.