cantonlittle's review against another edition

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A difficult, yet compelling philosopher. Next, I’ll try to read his Phenomenology.

kasmolenaar's review against another edition

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Ik zou Hegels opvattingen niet klakkeloos onderschrijven, noch ben ik overtuigd dat ik alles in dit boek begrepen heb, maar wat heb ik dit met ontzettend veel plezier gelezen. Een lastig, soms onbegrijpelijk, maar aangenaam uitdagend werk. Erg blij dat ik het in zijn geheel gelezen heb.

Drieënhalf jaar geleden heb ik de eerste stappen gezet in collegeverband - toen snapte ik er werkelijk waar niets van. Inmiddels, na dit werk het grootste gedeelte van dit jaar in groepsverband gelezen te hebben, durf ik te stellen dat er langzaam iets begint te dagen.

garawill's review against another edition

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challenging informative slow-paced


ungezieferwerden's review against another edition

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The OWC edition of Hegel’s GPR has an intro essay that opens with a salvo against Popper. Hegel’s patron was a liberal reformist of German empire and Hegel’s writings are more a reflection than an original justification of the logic of the liberal state so Popper’s dismissal of Hegel as illiberal is, typical of Popper, an act of serious academic mauvaise foi. Positivist humanism is in essence the secular of Geist so a disavowal of Hegel here really is a cowardly act of hiding ones aristocratic position only complicated by a further crassness of positioning Hegel as equal to Schmitt when Hegel goes at length to criticise the despotism of the sovereign exception.

It's also significant that Hegel articulates the state as a field of ethical life constituted of semi-autonomous but similarly derived (through which the abstract spirit becomes its ultimate expression as the Ideal) institutions which makes it hard to dismiss the validity of Althusser's ISA critique.
Funnily enough, the intro essayist goes on to characterise Marx’s contribution as redundant because the link to the material is present in Hegel while Marx’s actual development was to prioritise the material over the idealism of Hegel’s Geist realising itself as une Idée concrète

melissagill's review against another edition

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