chelszyo's review against another edition

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I just finished "The Chicago Guide to Collaborative Ethnography" written by anthropologist Luke Eric Lassiter. In it, Lassiter explores what is means to take a collaborative approach to ethnography. By working directly with those we study, we open the doors to new research and greater insight. It’s important for anthropology as a discipline to be reflective on the impacts of the work being produced as well as the privileged perspective researchers have by being an academic. By viewing our collaborators as co-intellectuals rather than merely informants we clear the way for their story to be properly told while upholding respect for their contributions. In addition, we can seek co-authorship as a way to directly engage with those we study, tasking them to take a more direct role in the research. This allows for meaningful diverse dialogue to be created. Also, by writing in a clear and accessible way we can then make our pieces available to those they are written about to ensure we are properly serving those we study. By being ethical, honest, accessible, and collaborative we can make anthropology more meaningful and impactful.