
Settle the Score / Hustle Play by Tara Frejas

nedu's review

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I feel like this book would have been better if both POVs were present and also if it was longer. It was good but could have been better.

haechans's review

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Read for Wikathon.

I really enjoyed this novella! Usually my main dilemma with romanceclass books is that they're too short. :( But with this one, I wasn't that bothered by it. Of course, I would've liked if we were able to read more about Garnet and Charlie's friendship but the glimpses that we had were also amazing.

I also think it's my first time to read a Filipino published work that has college athletes as its main characters. And the way the sports lingo was incorporated in this book was A+.

Another thing that I liked this book was Chris' character. Even though he was presented as a sort of second lead, that wasn't what happened at all. I think that was a breathe of fresh air.

All in all, this was a such an easy read. I'm off to Wattpad to vote and comment on the chapters hehe.

emmascc's review

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this was so cute i loved everything about it i wish we could have a full length novel with them

hazelstaybookish's review

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LOVED all the basketball references, plus the sweet romance!

lovelessness's review

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Read for Wikathon.

I really enjoyed this novella! Usually my main dilemma with romanceclass books is that they're too short. :( But with this one, I wasn't that bothered by it. Of course, I would've liked if we were able to read more about Garnet and Charlie's friendship but the glimpses that we had were also amazing.

I also think it's my first time to read a Filipino published work that has college athletes as its main characters. And the way the sports lingo was incorporated in this book was A+.

Another thing that I liked this book was Chris' character. Even though he was presented as a sort of second lead, that wasn't what happened at all. I think that was a breathe of fresh air.

All in all, this was a such an easy read. I'm off to Wattpad to vote and comment on the chapters hehe.

bookbed's review

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trinielf's review

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This book was so cute!

friends to lovers YESSSS

female basketball player. male cheerleader. alllll the yes.

i loved how basketball terminology was just incorporated so seamlessly in how Garnet described things. Basketball is her sport so i really loved that.

Garnet and Charles were just too cute. Also random note: Garnet's my brother's name so was kida cool seeing his name in a book lol

And Chris ! i want to see more of him :D

chaolwestfall's review

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The minute I saw the basketball on the cover, I knew I had to read this book. And it didn't disappoint. It was simple and cute and and even thought it was very short, it had me falling in love with Charles and Garnet so fast. Their relationship was so cute and teasing and just felt natural to me. I absolutely loved how this could have turned into an unnecessary love-triangle with Chris coming into the picture, but it didn't. I'm glad Chris didn't even show interest in Garnet in that way because it showed that girls and guys can be friends with one of them having feelings for the other.

This is my second book to read for Tara, and she always has this nice way of wrapping things up and delivering the moral of the story in such a nice way. This also happened with Scandalized, and it made me feel very emotional. The way the metaphors were compared with the basketball game made my love for the sport even larger.

I hope we see more of Charles and Garnet because they really were so cute.