
More than Neighbors by Simon Bruni, Isabel Keats

natcoba's review

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Oddly enough, this book made me uncomfortable and squeamish. The main characters, especially the male character, are off-putting. The story was predictable and a chore to get through.

tigsy_20_08's review

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Fun relationship that shouldn't work

kyliecou's review

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Fluffy Read

It's a natural progression of a fluffy romance, but the strong female lead doesn't seem to mind the guy trying to date rape her. That bothered me. Otherwise, the story was easy to read. Cute.

obsidian_blue's review

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I started this book last Friday while flying and quickly put it aside at the 25 percent mark. This was not good. If you want to read about some guy being weirdly and also grossly attracted to his new next door neighbor, than this book is for you. I just could not get into it. The whole thing made me squeamish. I found out later this was translated, so maybe that is why I got a totally blah feeling while reading this book. It just reads as predictable and I just wasn't in the mood for this.

"More Than Neighbors" is told in alternating POVs by Leopold (that name is terrible) and Catalina (Cat). Leopold finds himself annoyed, but attracted to Catalina. He initially thinks she is his next door neighbor's girlfriend. So he's disapproving on her gold digger ways, but is drawn to her. Blech.

Of course she lets him know she's house sitting for her uncle, but he is still uptight. I left them panting in sexual tension with each other.

miszcrtny's review

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I enjoyed this book. The names were different which was great. I couldn't put this book down.

vanessa_issa's review

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Cute story. It's a little too predictable, though.