
Mounting Desire by Nina Killham

helenephoebe's review

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Review - I thought that Jack's idea to live a virginal life was a kind of ridiculous context - it's better to have things in moderation, rather than to deny yourself something which you so desperately want. However, I did really love Molly, even if she did come across as a bit of a slut in her experimentation. I didn't think that Mounting Desire was one of the best Little Black Dress books, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I don't think it's wrong to want to find true love, but why deny yourself what your body needs?

Genre? - Chic Lit / Romance

Characters? - Jack Carter / Molly Desire / Robert McKee

Setting? - U.S.A.

Series? - N/A

Recommend? - Maybe

Rating - 14/20

ctsquirrel's review

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Will have to give this one another try. Had a lot of potential, I liked the unique plot (male born-again virgin with a female recovering sex-addict flatmate compete at writing romance novels). It just seemed like the author was trying too hard to write it "quirky."

wawa_m's review

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It's unconventional and it's definitely not for everyone.

krisz's review

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Okay, the plot was awful, but a good writer can write just about anything and make it good. Clearly, NK couldn't rise to the challenge. When I read her thanks to her editor, I guffawed. Has an editor seen this text? Unbelieveable...
The parts about the people other than Jack, Molly and Jack's mum were completely missing the point. Why were these in the book? They didn't add to it, and mostly they were unclear. One page about the teenager girl Leda starting a business. What?
Also the whole describing of Jack wanting to find true love and until then being a virgin... That's not HOW it goes. If a guy is waiting for true love, he will wait for it indeed, by going out, meeting girls, and yes, sex, if he likes the girl, and then he'll see whether this is going anywhere... That whole dating with Heather thing was awfully stupid.
And the end? How they missed each other like five times in discussing their I love yous? It was outrageous. I fumed. My husband said why did I keep on reading if it was so bad? But I just cannot not go until the end of the road with any book.
The incident with the cat and the door was funny: it should have been sooner and lasted much-much longer. It would have spiced up the story!