
Sous l'uniforme by Emmy Curtis

loveisastateofmind's review against another edition

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I was really disappointed in this.

After meeting them in the novella, I was really looking forward to James/Beth's story but it failed to deliver. The only interesting bit was the 'suspense' arc at the end, but even that felt like an afterthought. The majority of the book was incredibly soapish with unappealing characters.

mlawlit's review against another edition

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I  was so excited when I found out about Emmy Curtis's new Alpha Ops Series.  I was EVEN MORE excited when I  read the novella, Dangerous Territory.  Needless to say, I was quite relieved when I started reading Over The Line and I was ecstatic Over The Line was shaping up to be even better than DT.  Which bodes well for the next book, Pushing the Limit (11/4/14).

After meeting James and Beth briefly, in Dangerous Territory, I was quite intrigued and eager to read this book.  I knew pretty early on, that James Walker had carved himself a spot on my Book Boyfriend list.  FOR REAL.  I have to tell you that I LOVE this guy. He just....totally worked for me.  Good googly moogly.  Boo-yah.

As for Beth, I really liked her too. Aside from a few decisions she made, she didn't really make me want to shake her. She was tough as hell but she also appreciated that with James she didn't have to be the badass she HAD to be as a special forces soldier.  Personally, I identified with Beth.  I'm not a girly girl and feeling/acting vulnerable is not my thing.  She totally asserted herself sexually with James and WOW, that made for some very memorable sexytimes.  Take my word for it, hot flashes were had during the reading of this one.

This is one of those reviews where I'd love to wax poetic over all of the reasons I enjoyed it but I'm not going to.  Plain and simple, I enjoy this author's voice and I LOVED this book.

Can't wait for the next book in November!!
Giveaway: I have 2 giveaways for you!  

1. Emmy's publisher, Forever Yours, (GCP) is offering an e copy of Over The Live via Netgalley.  All you have to do is comment below and I'll randomly pick a winner.  Please be sure to subscribe to the comments, so you'll know if you won.  Just say whatever you want!

2.  Emmy has graciously donated to my SSBR Celebration Giveaway!  Signed copies of Over The Line!  Check it out: SSBR GIVEAWAY.



Purchase OTL: Amazon // Barnes and Noble // Books-A-Million // GooglePlay // iTunes

Dangerous Territory: Goodreads// Amazon // B&N // Kobo // iTunes // GooglePlay

Pushing the Limit: Goodreads //B & N // iTunes // Kobo (11/4/14)



erincataldi's review against another edition

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It's been a hot minute since I read a romance novel, so this was a nice change. Beth Garcia is on the mend after months of physical therapy after getting shot in Afghanistan. She happens to bump into the man who saved her life, James Walker. The sexual tension is high and he knows he won't forgive himself if he doesn't ask her out, so throws caution to the wind and asks her to go mountain climbing for the weekend. Instead of a weekend of climbing though, he gets peer pressured into attending his sister's wedding and asks if Beth will pose as his fiance so his family will leave him alone. She goes along with the plan and they both get more than they bargained for. More sexual attraction. Threats from an unknown source. A few steamy scenes are interspersed. Good for those who like romance with men in uniform.

I received this book for free from the author in return for my honest, unbiased review.

over_book_'s review against another edition

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Fake dating

imzadirose's review against another edition

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Finished ~ Over the Line (Alpha Ops 01) by Emmy Curtis
Completed 10/6
3.5 of 5 stars
272 pages

I received this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

In Over the Line, James saved Beth's life. It's most of a year later when their paths cross again and the attraction they both felt is still evident. James, trying to get out of a family affair, asks Beth to join him for the weekend, but a series of threats has them attending, with Beth posing as James' fiance. He's asked her to pose as his wife-to-be to ward off his family's constant pushing of him to marry someone with prestige and to leave his job to follow in the steps of his father.

This book is the first that I have read by this author and it was pretty good. I really enjoy romantic/erotic suspense, and while this book is more of the erotic/romance variety, it still kept my interest, for the most part. Both James and Beth are likable characters, the plot funny and fast paced. It was a quick, easy and enjoyable book, and I would probably read more in the series.

As for the bad, there was a bit for me. First, they are lying to the family which I am fine with, his family (mother and father) are worthless, but I have a problem when they start lying to each other. Clearly they both want more and instead of sitting down and having a real conversation about their relationship, they have sex and ignore the issues, causing more issues. It's all done to create drama, and completely pointless. Then there's the matter of the "bad guy" who was completely evident from them happening to come across him. I think the author trying to steer people in another direction but it didn't work at all. It would have been better to have a completely different and unknown threat.

However, overall it was entertaining and enjoyable. I would definitely say it's leaning towards an erotica. While most of the action is not specific enough for how I think of erotica (actual in depth details) there's a lot of stuff you don't typically see in normal romances, such as masturbation. It was some enjoyable stuff and I really liked that part of the book. The book was quite enjoyable, and I recommend it for fans of romantic/erotic suspense.

Setting = A
Plot = B
Conflict = A-
Characters = A
Theme = A

Review published on my blog.

alicekhayat1's review against another edition

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Fake dating

bananatricky's review against another edition

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As foreshadowed in the prequel novella, this is the story of Beth and Walker. Beth is a female special ops soldier in Afghanistan. Injured on patrol her life is saved by Walker who has had the hots for her (from afar) since they first met.

They meet again a year later when she is finishing physical therapy and he is temporarily state-side. They arrange a friendly weekend of rock climbing, only for their plans to be derailed when Walker's baby sister calls to say she has received a creepy email suggesting she is being stalked. Against his better judgement Walker agrees to attend his older sister's wedding (with Beth) in order to get to the bottom of these emails. To keep his interfering parents off his back Walker asks Beth to be is fake fiancée.

But Walker's family isn't just anyone. Not only are they filthy rich but they are also extremely well-connected in Washington, extremely. And threats to the Walker family are very serious.

I really liked this, it was different to many military romances and Walker was a really great guy - definitely not an alphahole!

melwasul's review

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Voilà une série military romance/romantic suspense que j’attendais avec impatience et qu’il me tardait de découvrir, espérant y retrouver une sœur pour ma série du genre du moment : les KGI de Maya Banks. Une sorte de KGI plus portant sur le côté militaire. Et même si cela n’a pas fait « flop » ou « plouf », ça a quand même fait « pshitttt ». En grande partie parce que ce roman est court, beaucoup trop court mais aussi parce que je n’y ai pas vraiment eu autant de militaire/suspense/action que je l’aurais souhaité. Mais finalement, c’est logique, le roman est court… [...]

La suite ici:

kame's review against another edition

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4 1/2 Stars

The last time James saw Beth she was being rushed away for treatment after he risked his life to save hers. He can't get her out of his head though, and not because of the harrowing experience. He dreams of her and those dreams don't take place on the battlefield they take place in a bed! Imagine his surprise when he bumps into her during his first weeks at his new assignment. What was suppose to be a easy date to go rock climbing turns into meeting his family.

Beth is strong and practical, she cares for her family strongly; and actually has more of a connection with her small family than James has with his large influential one. In their hearts Beth and James are a perfect match. I enjoyed them immensely. They had funny banter that was not filled with lots of loving platitudes. They sizzled the page and pulled at my heartstrings at the same time.

The plot was easy to follow with a slight suspense plot. Even though Beth and James are both active military this should not be classified as a military romance. My only complaint is that we did not seem glimpse at the couple from the prequel novella. This book was an amazing followup to the novella that gave us a glimpse at this couple.

Sometimes when you love a prequel to a new series it is hard for the next book to measure up; not in this case OH MY - this book is fantastic!

I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley for my honest review.

My complete review - with quotes - will be on 10/3/2014 .

imzadirose's review against another edition

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Finished ~ Over the Line (Alpha Ops 01) by Emmy Curtis
Completed 10/6
3.5 of 5 stars
272 pages

I received this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

In Over the Line, James saved Beth's life. It's most of a year later when their paths cross again and the attraction they both felt is still evident. James, trying to get out of a family affair, asks Beth to join him for the weekend, but a series of threats has them attending, with Beth posing as James' fiance. He's asked her to pose as his wife-to-be to ward off his family's constant pushing of him to marry someone with prestige and to leave his job to follow in the steps of his father.

This book is the first that I have read by this author and it was pretty good. I really enjoy romantic/erotic suspense, and while this book is more of the erotic/romance variety, it still kept my interest, for the most part. Both James and Beth are likable characters, the plot funny and fast paced. It was a quick, easy and enjoyable book, and I would probably read more in the series.

As for the bad, there was a bit for me. First, they are lying to the family which I am fine with, his family (mother and father) are worthless, but I have a problem when they start lying to each other. Clearly they both want more and instead of sitting down and having a real conversation about their relationship, they have sex and ignore the issues, causing more issues. It's all done to create drama, and completely pointless. Then there's the matter of the "bad guy" who was completely evident from them happening to come across him. I think the author trying to steer people in another direction but it didn't work at all. It would have been better to have a completely different and unknown threat.

However, overall it was entertaining and enjoyable. I would definitely say it's leaning towards an erotica. While most of the action is not specific enough for how I think of erotica (actual in depth details) there's a lot of stuff you don't typically see in normal romances, such as masturbation. It was some enjoyable stuff and I really liked that part of the book. The book was quite enjoyable, and I recommend it for fans of romantic/erotic suspense.

Setting = A
Plot = B
Conflict = A-
Characters = A
Theme = A

Review published on my blog.