
The Making of Mrs. Hale by Carolyn Miller

english_lady03's review against another edition

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The Making of Mrs Hale is Carolyn Miller's sixth book, the conclusion of her second trilogy set in Regency Britain.
It follows Julia Hale, the sister of a nobleman who disappeared in the first book with a friend of her brother known as Major Thomas Hale. Thomas was known to be a rake and knowing her family would disapprove of her marrying a commoner with no title or lands and such a reputation.

Eighteen months later, Julia reappears having been apparently abandoned by her husband on the doorstep of one of her friends. What’s more, she has a baby in tow. Here the story begins, and it’s not a typical Regency. The protagonists are already married: but their relationship is fractured through separation, secrets, betrayal and emotional trauma.

There are many other Regency stories which involve rakish characters making right, and this could have following that formula, but does not. At least, not slavishly. Julia’s family apparently hate Thomas for what he did to her (or what they believe he did), but she struggles to love and trust him, despite the wishes of her overbearing mother and over-protective brother.

Above all, it’s a story of reconciliation: of husband and wife, family, friends, and ultimately reconciliation with God.

There is also a strong element of danger and intrigue in this story, with a possible plot against Thomas by a corrupt army officer and a secret mission gone wrong. This provided a lot of interesting details about the 19th century military and some government offices. It also was a good way of incorporating characters from the earlier books into the story but might be a little confusing for those who have not read them.

Above all there was a very strong emphasis on the spiritual maturity of the characters, and a very strong salvation message. Some might say it’s a little heavy-handed and modern. Perhaps, but I did not find it so off-putting, and sort of appropriate in the context of the story.

There was a great deal of grace involved, and Thomas’s reasons for hesitating and doubting in his faith were credible.
I did feel a few incidents were implausible or not properly accounted for: like how did Julia manage to travel all the way from Edinburgh to London in such dire straits and with no money? Overall though, it was a lovely conclusion to the story.

Thanks to Kregel for inviting me to read this book via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.

rosannelortz's review against another edition

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As the book opens, Julia Hale is abandoned and destitute, trying to make her way back to friends and family in London with a baby in tow. The story gradually unfolds to reveal that Julia, after eloping to Gretna Green with Thomas Hale, no longer knows where he is. Is he the worthless rake her family thinks he is, or does he still love her?

Imprisoned in a Spanish jail, Thomas yearns to get back across the Channel and reunite with his beloved Julia. The secret mission he went on didn’t go as planned, and he hopes that he left her with enough money to survive during his absence. Plagued by guilt over past actions, Thomas escapes to England, only to find out that the plot against his life may threaten Julia too.

The plot of this Regency is extremely unusual. Thomas and Julia are an unwise couple who married in haste and may in fact be repenting at leisure. Both have a lot to learn about love, each other, and God. It is several other characters besides the hero and heroine who exert most of the agency in the story, redeeming both the couple and the situation. While one can appreciate the redemption in the story, the evangelical message is a little heavy-handed, sacrificing historicity (religious sensibilities in 1800s England were different than today) for intelligibility to the modern reader. This book is the third in a series. I did feel a little at sea in parts when characters from the previous installments came into the story, but for the most part, I was able to follow what was happening.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

rhythmofryn's review against another edition

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I didn’t really connect with this book since I haven’t read any of the author’s previous works.
Plus the husband honestly seemed like a tool and I was agreeing with her family tha he sucks. The second he comes back after being gone for ages, he immediately wants to have sex and doesn’t give her any explanations. Plus he also had an affair with his captor while he was gone 🙄 Girl, your family is right. He’s the worst! 

betherin02's review against another edition

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Reviewed for Hope by the Book magazine

bookishmiss's review against another edition

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hopeful medium-paced


"...unforgiveness binds, but forgiving others sets us free..." (from p 183).
This story of love and redemption, which explores the married life of a couple after their elopement to Gretna Green, is one I enjoyed and was encouraged by.

anke_books's review

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Dit boek was even een hele andere invalshoek, origineel! Wat gebeurt er nadat een stel naar Gretna Green is gevlucht om stiekem te trouwen?
Julia en Thomas hebben niet het beste huwelijk gekregen. De passie van het begin werd al snel de rauwe werkelijkheid: Julia leert leven zonder de luxe waarmee ze opgegroeid is en Thomas maakt zich continu zorgen hoe hij genoeg geld op tafel krijgt om voor zijn vrouw te zorgen. Ik kreeg ook de indruk dat hij liever zat te kletsen met een biertje en een kaartspel dan dat hij werkelijk aan het werk ging.
Een aanbod om te spioneren in Spanje moet hem echter goud geld gaan opleveren. Hij is blij dat hij weer terug in het leger kan werken en zoveel geld kan verdienen. De simpele opdracht eindigt echter onverwacht in een gevangenschap en Julia klopt wanhopig aan bij Henry en Serena Carmichael in Londen in de hoop op onderdak.
Thomas' verhaal wordt al gauw sinister als hij, teruggekeerd in Engeland, steeds in elkaar geslagen wordt, en hij naar zijn centen kan fluiten. Wie heeft het op zijn leven gemunt en waarom? Dit boek is wat dat betreft heel rauw en duister en mijdt de slechte buurten niet.
Ondertussen probeert Julia zich te voegen naar het leven dat haar moeder en broer van haar verwachten. Beiden stellen hoge eisen aan haar en zouden het liefst Thomas Hale uit hun leven zien verdwijnen.

Kunnen Thomas en Julia elkaar vertrouwen? Kan Thomas zijn achtervolgers ontdekken en met hen afrekenen? (Gelukkig krijgt hij hulp van alle oude getrouwen uit Millers' boeken.) Is hun huwelijk nog te redden? En hoe ziet Julia haar toekomst voor zich?

beckys_bookshelves's review against another edition

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The Making of Mrs. Hale by Carolyn Miller is the third book in the Regency Bride’s series. The book has many characters from Mrs. Miller’s previous books, but you do not have to have read them to enjoy this story. (But, I can't imagine why you would not want to read them because they are fabulous! )

This story follows Julia Hale and her husband, Major Thomas Hale, after they have run off to Gretna Green to be married. The quote, “ Marry in haste, and repent in leisure,” sums up their story. Their story starts off far from a happily ever after. However with God reconciliation and true love become a possibility.

I am a huge Carolyn Miller fan, and this a wonderful story of romance, mystery, happy endings and faith. I loved Julia Hale as a heroine. She is spunky and is trying so hard to support her husband and be kind to her family. I loved reading the parts of the story from her point of view. She has a beautiful heart. Our hero, Thomas Hale, is a man who is open to changing and becomes a hero you will love.

I highly recommend The Making of Mrs. Hale. You will not be disappointed by this wonderful regency read. I was given this book by the publisher and not required to write a review.

cctblog's review against another edition

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The Making of Mrs. Hale is not your typical regency romance. It begins with Julia and Thomas already married (and physically separated—she has no idea if he's even alive), and as the novel goes on, they have to deal with the consequences of their actions and work to repair relationships with their family, friends, and each other.

This novel started out fairly slowly for me, and I didn't like either Julia or Thomas, which made caring about their stories difficult. I'll be honest: I didn't really like Julia at all until very close to the end of the novel. Thomas grew on me, though, especially once he connected with Lord Hawkesbury (Nicholas from The Elusive Miss Ellison, the novel that started Miller's regency romances). It's a conversation with Lord Hawkesbury that leads to Thomas's spiritual awakening, and it's written so, so well.

I ended up very much enjoying The Making of Mrs. Hale. I wish it hadn't taken so long to get into the story, as I very nearly abandoned it, and I would've missed out on a really good novel. 3-1/2 stars.

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.

kristi518's review against another edition

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It seems like I've had to wait forever to find out what happened to Julia and Thomas after their elopement. Thankfully with The Making of Mrs. Hale, the wait is over. But is there a happily ever after in store for these two characters?

While this book started off a bit slow for me once it got going I was completely engrossed in Julia and Thomas's story. Readers learn about life after their elopement through the two characters telling those around them what happened and with their own reminiscing. Not necessarily flashbacks but not in real time either. I liked this aspect of the story as it made it more interesting. We know where the characters are today and slowly learn how they got to where they are. Even though much of the story is about what happened to them after their wedding the story keeps moving forward at a perfect pace. That said, there were times I wanted to throw my head back and scream because things weren't going as quickly as I wanted them to. This just shows the author's ability to pull the reader into the story and make them care about the characters.

Appearances are made by characters from the previous books in the series and it was great to see them all again. I'm sad though that my time with these characters is up although I'm sure the author will create more wonderful and complex characters to enjoy in the future.

This book could be read as a standalone but I don't recommend it. The story will make more sense if the series is read in its entirety. Not to mention they are all excellent stories that shouldn't be missed!

Carolyn Miller is permanently on my must-read list. I'm always excited to get a new book from her and sad when I've finished. She creates characters and stories that are timeless and ones that begged to be read again and again. Mrs. Hale is definitely on my keeper shelf.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to write a review. All opinions are mine.

rjd's review against another edition

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Satisfactory conclusion

I had some Amazon credits for Kindle books, and since I have read literally everything else this author has written, I got this one. It’s nice. I have been rereading all of this author. So this series isn’t my favorite. I loved the connections to the previous series. I just didn’t connect to the characters.