
The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

bluesungod's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


solitarysoul's review against another edition

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Feel good joyful read that unites us all!

winterpirate's review against another edition

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Alright, so it's a pretty cool book. I kind of expected more humour though and less things to gross me out. Ah well, I had some laughs and found myself nodding along to most of it. I like books that you can kind of skim and skip along. I'd say AWESOME! but it was good at best.

khourianya's review against another edition

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I didn't have high expectations of a book called "The Book of Awesome" and I'm really glad I hadn't gotten my hopes up on it. I saw it on the library ebook database and decided "what the heck - it's a bestseller for a reason, right?"

Essentially the book is short essays on the awesome things in life. The unexpected simple pleasures that are out there to be enjoyed: Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket...the list goes on and on.

Commence rant: The one thing I discovered about myself in reading this book (well, reading might be an overstatement...after a bit I started to just flip pages to read headings and only delved into the ones I actually agreed on), was that I really dislike the concept of blogger gets book contract and reprints half of blog. Then, based on success of first book, blogger gets to publish second book along same vein. I don't begrudge them their success - they did write the content originally, anyway. I just wish they would take the opportunity to get creative and write a book of new content. Or to reinvent the content in some way.

I have not read Mr. Pasricha's blog. It's not really something that interests me. That alone should have been enough to keep me from downloading this book.

The book is not without some redeeming quality, though. I do think it has a great place as a bathroom reader. The combination of long and short pieces make it ideal for that kind of reading. As a book that one would expect to find any real substance within - it falls seriously short. I did, however, enjoy the write upon making the most of your trick-or-treating. It's just somewhere around 25 years too late for me.

If you're looking for a bathroom reader - pick up a paper copy of it. Otherwise - just read the guys blog.

coffeechug's review against another edition

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There is not much to say about this book that the title does not already suggeest. This book is Awesome! I read through this book reminding myself of all the great things in life. It reminded me to appreciate life because who knows how long we will be here and why not appreciate putting on nice warm underwear straight from the dryer? I read some of these to my wife and we sat and laughed and enjoyed some of the ideas. The website is awesome as well. Be sure to check out the website

A great read. One that does not have to be read in one sitting. Just pick it up, flip to a page and read. It is a great reminder of all the wonderful things around us without being too cheesy.

rebekah4's review against another edition

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funny fast-paced


affiknittyreads's review against another edition

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Bought this because it was $1.99 and my dad told me that it made him think of me, and that in fact he thought that I could write my own version of this book. That was a sweet thing for him to say. I have a whole life philosophy that revolves around the awesomeness of hot coffee and hot showers, so I see where he was coming from. I did enjoy this book, even if it whiffs strongly of "bro." Heh!

carahamelie's review against another edition

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Cool idea.... but didn't like the format. This should have been a small coffee table book... quick and to the point. I didn't need 2 pages talking about flipping your pillow to the cold side. I honestly could have just read the headers and it would have been enough.

spoonerreads's review against another edition

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I wish I could come with a good idea, make a blog about, people read it, I make book about it, people buy it and then publish another book.
Some of the AWESOME stories are great, lots of the them reminded me of all the things I like too.

ahenson's review against another edition

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When your having a bad day sometimes it’s nice to open this book to a random page and start reading about all the good things in this world