
Angeli tentatori by L.A. Weatherly

vilumiaw's review against another edition

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do i really have to tell you how he brought back to life?

sorprendentemente bueno, q plot tan bueno, tan creatuvo y tan buen escrito

oakandblackthorn's review against another edition

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For a long book this was a very easy read! I'm really getting back into this series and enjoying it a lot.

The characters really develop in this book and Willow as a narrator definitely becomes more tolerable. The love triangle wasn't really necessary, and I would have preferred if Seb just wanted to be Willow's friend. Alex's jealously went from cute to insufferable in about 30 seconds. I did want to take him a throw him against a wall. Repeatedly. Other than that though, I enjoyed most of the story line.

I hope to read the next book some day.

camomillacida's review against another edition

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Ed eccoci di nuovo qui: io, voi, Willow e Alex. Eccoci con il secondo volume della fortunata trilogia Angel che, devo ammetterlo, è forse una delle migliori e delle più sapientemente scritte del genere. Willow, come da primo volume, è per metà donna e per metà angelo. Alex, il ragazzo del quale è innamorata, è un Angel Killer: il suo compito, infatti, consiste nell'uccidere i crudeli membri della Chiesa degli Angeli (che nulla ha di angelico, all'infuori del nome). In seguito ad un inquietante sogno premonitore, Alex e Willow volano in Messico per arruolare nuovi cadetti nel loro esercito di Angel Killers, ma due ambigui personaggi semineranno dubbi nelle loro menti e, soprattutto, nella relazione che li lega: si tratta di Kara e Seb. La prima è un'ombra che emerge dal passato di Alex e cala ad oscurargli il presente; il secondo è il sogno-incubo che tormenta Willow e che, malgrado il suo amore per Alex, esercita su di lei un'attrazione che non è totalmente in grado di controllare.

Molto, molto, molto meglio del primo, questo secondo volume della saga. Tanto per incominciare, i personaggi sono meglio delineati: ho notato una sostanziale "crescita" nello stile dell'autrice che è riuscita, in questo libro, ad affondare la sua narrazione nel profondo della psiche dei protagonisti. Prendiamo Willow, per esempio: non è invincibile, non è incorruttibile. Anche lei, come tutti noi, cela sottopelle la sua fragilità umana, malgrado la sua metà "angelica". Ma soprattutto, Willow soffre perché è circondata da persone che non si fidano completamente di lei per via della sua natura "mista" di angelo e donna: una condizione che non potrà mai cambiare.
L'intreccio è complesso e avvincente, ma senza risultare mai caotico. La scrittura scorre, non s'intoppa mai e, nonostante le ingenti dimensioni del romanzo, non annoia. Consiglio questo libro (e il precedente, perché altrimenti perdereste molti aspetti interessanti della storia) a tutti coloro che cercano una saga fantasy scritta con l'obiettivo di appassionare davvero il lettore, piuttosto che con lo scopo di vendere milioni di copie seminando delusioni.

w0lfofthesea's review against another edition

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Holy shit intense.

katofdiamonds's review against another edition

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Will write more later as now it is 1:30am.

Well I gotta say this book could have been about 100 pages shorter according to my attention span. A lot of it felt repetitive--maybe because you get the POV from so many characters so you as the reader are hyper-aware of what is going down with everyone.
I did like it. I did. But overall I would recommend borrowing this one. I will not need to read it again.

lavendercats's review against another edition

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A few things that I can say about this book is that its way too long and only the last 200~300 pages I liked reading.The first half of the book was seriously boring, I even took a break from this book to read something else.Anyway I did liked the last part so 3 stars it is. I also didn't like the love square and I thought it was unnecessary. I hated Kara!

aydrea's review against another edition

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So good, but there were multiple times I almost threw my book at the wall!!!! The whole plot was crazy and there was so much going on and I really don't want to say much because it will ruin it! I was on the edge of my seat for pretty much the whole book because the situation is dire most of the time. The angels in this book are freaking crazy and actually pretty scary. Angel burn does not sound like fun nor do angel controlled cities. But seriously I loved the plot of this book and I was never bored, even though the book is over 600 pages!

Generally I have really liked Willow, but there were a few times in this book where she really made me angry. I often wanted to scream "what are you doing?!?!" at her while I was reading. Other than that it was great to see her grow and fight for real. Then there is Alex who I loved almost right away in the first book and I loved him even more after reading this one. He was so freaking adorable but is totally BA at the same time. Granted there were some parts I wanted to scream at him for being stupid too. He was an awesome leader and I can't wait to see more of that in the next book. There were some great moments between Willow & Alex and there were some absolutely heartbreaking ones. It simultaneously made me want to cry and throw my book!

Seb was an interesting character and I pretty much didn't like him instantly (probably because I am an Alex girl, lol). The fact that he wanted Willow and how blatant he was about it made me want to smack him. Also I'm not going to lie, but his whole I've been in love with Willow my whole life but I just met her thing, was weird and creeped me out! He really annoyed me, but at the end I saw how great of a guy he was so I liked him a little better. I am interested to see what will happen in the next book. The rest of the AKs were an interesting group and a nice addition.

Overall I loved this book and this series is awesome. I highly recommend it, go read it now!!!!

siany_nejmet's review against another edition

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No other words for it, but absolutely brilliant!

When I first started this and was introduced to Seb, I was thinking "oh no" thinking "oh God! not another love triangle!" To be honest, I dont mind love triangles but only when the girl/guy is absolutely not interested in the other person and its one sided from the other person.
And I dont want to say too much about this as I dont want to give spoilers but the love triangle was very well written and a conclusion was to it was made in this book. I fully expect there not to be much about it in the third and last book.

Oh I did like Seb...couldnt help but like him. He wasn't whiny and annoying and was quite mature for his age. Very similar to Alex in ways.

But Alex...I am loyal to him. He rocks and I can't help but wanting an Alex A.K (Angel Killer) for myself. I am not into younger men but oh how i adore him lol

Willow was brilliant in this as well. And as a character she is doing a lot of growing and developing, in not only her powers but as a character in general. I wanted her to stop being a dope at one point but in no way did she get as annoying as Bella did in the Twilight books.

The love story was very written and it was good to read how Willow's and Alex's love was developing as all these different things happened and obstacles in their path.
Alex is a character that is growing a lot as well, he is leader of the remaining AK's and with that comes a lot of responsibility and when reading you can see how well it actually suits him, even though he worries about it constantly.

The secondary characters of Kara and other AK's was really interesting also and it all made the story a lot fuller and rounder with quite a lot happening. And even though there was a lot happening, I didnt get confused at all point as the story just flowed really well.

I loved the writing and the characters. I even love the bad guys.
In general this was an excellent book and just as good if not better than the first Angel in the series.

This is a trilogy and the third and last book is out October idea how I am going to make it waiting a year for the next one. I just cannot wait! On my wishlist it will go as soon as it appears :D

grapeapril75's review against another edition

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This whole series was just eh, for me. I wanted to love it but just could not fully connect. I liked the main characters, Willow is interesting and smart, almost too smart for the book.

I tried, I really did but this just was not the series for me. If you are into Angel books and slightly angsty teens with a nice adventure angle, you will be into this. It was a good read, just not a love-fest from my point of view.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.