justie's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative reflective sad slow-paced


cwodziak's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


nidiamacedo's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


When I thought I couldn't get more enraged about our male-centered society I read this book and I come bearing news for you: you can always get more enraged.

heyshannonhall's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


This was so good and interesting! For some reason I thought it was going to mainly focus on reproductive health so I was pleasantly surprised that it encompassed many aspects of women’s health in general. So much to call out but the gut health chapter really had an impact on me (like… did you know that women’s digestive tracts become longer than men’s? The reasons why are wild) as well as the chapter on menopause and hormones. Should be required reading tbh!

sydsmiller's review against another edition

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Increased my feminine rage

cook03's review against another edition

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dark informative fast-paced


irismlu's review against another edition

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jessrit's review against another edition

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challenging emotional informative reflective medium-paced


clarkso6's review against another edition

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This goes into a deep dive of the mistreatment, misdiagnosis and misgivings in general of women's medical and mental health treatment through the centuries. 

The author is well informed and gives plenty of references. The only thing I say took a bit of issue with was the fact that when she went into gynecology, she did not really discuss the origin of gynecology, which was a large part due to the mistreatment, and torture of Black bodies. 

That then got me thinking that she didn't really bring up race at all, which I understand is not necessarily her focu in this book, but also I think that race would have created another layer as it does play into all of our experiences as women.

zmash's review against another edition

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I'm referencing the hell out of this book any chance I have