
Ljótur leikur by Angela Marsons

laurapeden's review against another edition

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Another great book in the DI Kim Stone series! These books are fast-paced, dark and thrilling. I love Kim Stone and I’m so happy I found her. Except now I have to buy them all because they’re Audible only. BOO!

gharris777's review against another edition

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5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Evil Games is the second book in the D.I. Kim Stone series and it's another excellent addition to the series!!

D.I. Stone and crew are working on two cases in this book. Both cases are well thought out and do not take away from the other case.

One involves a revolting child abuser that’s arrested in the beginning of the book. After Kim and her crew try to finish up the case, evidence comes to light that's things are not as they appear to be.
The detectives must go into the world of sexual predators and figure out what’s missing.
Yep, it’s not for the faint at heart but damn it, I loved when this case was solved!!!!

The second case involves the murder of a convicted rapist and the circumstances involved with the suspect. This introduces us to a twisted individual that causes me to equally hate them and stay far, far away. Like a restraining order far away!!
This case also introduces us to Barney and this ends up being one of the best things of the series so far!

Seriously, if you have not had a chance to read this series, get to it. One of the best crime detective series that I’ve read in years. The cases are so real, the characterization is fantastic and the suspense is gripping!

angysonosoloio's review against another edition

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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ★ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

La particolarità di questo secondo capitolo della serie è che il caso viene risolto nelle prime 5 pagine. O per meglio dire, quello a cui assistiamo è semplicemente un arresto, perché ci troviamo già dall'inizio di fronte a un caso già risolto. Sarebbe molto facile e conveniente per Kim Stone mettere a tacere l'intuito e portare semplicemente a casa un altro successo. Ma qualcosa non le torna, e aiutata dalla sua fedele squadra cercherà di fare luce sulla questione. Nel frattempo le indagini relative a un secondo caso la portano a fare la conoscenza di Alex Thorne, una brillante psicoterapeuta che si occupa di pazienti che per patologie, o per i loro trascorsi, potrebbero essere inclini a commettere dei crimini. Ed è qui che cominciano davvero i guai.

Ho trovato "Il gioco del male" leggermente diverso dagli altri libri della serie. Stavolta il fulcro della vicenda non è catturare il serial killer di turno, anzi, i vari casi che si presentano sono fin troppo semplici e di immediata risoluzione. Ed è proprio questo che mette in allarme la nostra protagonista, come se dovessi esserci per forza qualcosa sotto. E i suoi sospetti ricadono sulla dottoressa Alex Thorne, una donna estremamente affascinante e stimata da tutti, compresi i suoi pazienti. Ma la realtà è ben diversa, Alex non è altro che una psicopatica falsa e manipolatrice, priva di coscienza e di morale, che considera le persone semplici e sacrificabili cavie per i suoi esperimenti e che prova divertimento nel rovinare loro la vita.

Il problema è che Kim sembra l'unica a sospettare che l'assoluta perfezione della dottoressa sia una semplice facciata; perfino il fidato Bryant liquida i suoi sospetti come una semplice paranoia, e come se non bastasse non ha modo di procurarsi delle prove che dimostrino la sua intuizione.
Il senso di sconforto e di frustrazione è tangibile e aumenta sempre di più, Kim si ritrova a un punto morto su tutti i fronti, si sente sola ed incompresa, e le manipolazioni di Alex riportano a galla tutti i fantasmi del suo passato.

Kim e Alex alla fine sono complementari, sono simili, ma diametralmente opposte, come uno specchio. Alex è un guscio vuoto che ha imparato a simulare i suoi sentimenti ed è bravissima a farsi amare da tutti, Kim è chiusa in se stessa e non riesce ad andare d'accordo con nessuno, benché sia fondamentalmente una persona dall'animo buono e gentile. Il rapporto fra queste due donne e la loro battaglia psicologica è ciò che caratterizza questo libro, e anche se mette un po' in ombra tutto il resto, l'ho trovato una scelta molto interessante.

liamcox_mt's review against another edition

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Angela Marsons delivers a gripping and intense psychological thriller with Evil Games, the second installment in the DI Kim Stone series. This book cements Marsons’ talent for crafting complex plots, multi-dimensional characters, and a relentless narrative pace that keeps readers hooked from start to finish.

What Makes Evil Games a 5-Star Read:
DI Kim Stone – A Phenomenal Lead: Kim Stone is as sharp, determined, and brilliantly flawed as ever. Her unyielding pursuit of justice and her unshakable moral compass make her a truly compelling protagonist.

Dark and Disturbing Themes: The story fearlessly delves into the darker sides of human nature, exploring manipulation, power dynamics, and trauma with unflinching honesty. Marsons doesn’t shy away from the gritty details, but they’re always handled with sensitivity and purpose.

A Psychological Edge: This isn’t just a police procedural—it’s a deep dive into the minds of both the investigator and those she’s up against. The psychological tension is palpable, keeping you on edge as the story unfolds.

Tight, Fast-Paced Plot: Marsons masterfully weaves together multiple storylines without losing focus or momentum. Each twist and turn is expertly crafted, leaving you eager to turn the page yet dreading the conclusion because you don’t want it to end.

Atmosphere and Emotion: The dark, moody setting of the Black Country provides the perfect backdrop for the story, while the emotional depth of the characters elevates it beyond a standard thriller. Being from the area that she writes in makes it so much nicer/easier to be able to see and illustrate what is happening in your head.

Why It’s a Must-Read:
Evil Games is more than a crime novel—it’s a haunting exploration of morality and the human psyche, led by one of the most compelling detectives in modern fiction. Angela Marsons has created a story that thrills, challenges, and lingers long after the final page.

Whether you’re a fan of psychological thrillers, police procedurals, or simply excellent storytelling, this is a book that deserves a place on your shelf. A solid 5-star read!

teresainohio10's review against another edition

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Kim is back doing what she does best, detecting and finding murders. Only this time, the cases get under her skin. First we have a suspected child molester who is also the father of the girls. While the circumstance evidence is there, there is no concrete proof that any abuse happened. She also encounters a doctor, who seems a little too invested in her patients and their tramua. As Kim works her cases, things get darker and the violence in the book is caused by an evil that lurks in this darkness.

This is a book I can't stop reading when I start and it consumes my thoughts when not reading it. I tried to unravel the madness behind the cases and raced back to the book to see if I was right. I won't say much because it would spoil the ending.

If you like dark gritty police procedurals laced with murders, this is for you. If you are looking for cozy cute mystery walk on by.

teresainohio10's review against another edition

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Rereading my way through this series, still not sure why I strayed from it, all that I read are 4 or 5 stars.

This reading did jog my memory a little, loved the cat and mouse game between Kim and Alex, kinda disappointed in the quick wrap up of the current case they were working

jo_bookcase's review against another edition

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Read this book in one sitting. It was that good!

I wanted to wrap Kim Stone in cotton to protect her from Alexandra Thorne, but at the same time, was cheering her on as she bravely engaged Thorne to solve the case.

rebaburcham's review against another edition

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Angela Marsons is hands down my favorite new author! So good.

joreasonable's review against another edition

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Evil Games is the second book in the DI Kim Stone series by Angela Marsons, The first Silent Scream, was a top-notch detective thriller and this continues the theme. The writing itself has matured and the novel itself is darker with Kim battling against another woman, Alex, in a psychological battle field. Neither woman is particularly likeable but Kim is on the right side of the law putting criminals behind bars. The is more than one storyline going on with one of them being a child abuse case and another being the murder of a rapist. Both are difficult subjects in themselves. The best part of the book was Kim and Ale, Alex is a nasty person herself and the confrontations between them are brilliant. Angela Marsons has done a superb job getting into the head and the world of a psychopath.

robinlovesreading's review against another edition

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This addictive series introduces Alexandra Thorne, an uncouth and unethical therapist. A man has been murdered and Kim uses her remarkable sixth sense to solve this latest murder, especially when she starts locking horns with Alex. In fact, Alex just might have something to do with Kim's latest case. Kim never gives up and works her cases like solving a difficult jigsaw puzzles. Will Kim catch on to Alex's tricks before another life is lost? Once a connection between cases begins to make itself clear, Kim gets closer to finding answers, even if it means putting her very life at stake.